Board Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2010
President Michelle Cline
Vice-President Brian Robb
Treasurer Julianne Bidinotto
Secretary Lea Ann Capel
Steve Lane, Member-at-Large
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m., by President Michelle Cline. The first order of business was discussion of the bids for landscaping services. Discussion was held regarding the proposal from EarthWise, Inc. There were financial calculation errors found in the proposal; as well as ,some questions regarding the services. The decision was made to have Steve Lane discuss the proposal with the ACC for further clarification.
The next order of business was the upcoming HOA special meeting on May 8, 2010. Brian Robb will be drafting the proxy forms and Steve Lane will be distributing those to homeowners the week of April 19th to allow those not able to attend the meeting to appoint another individual to vote for them on the agenda topics at the meeting. It was noted by Secretary, Lea Ann Capel, that no one had volunteered and no nominations had been received for the two open positions. Those positions being Vice-President and Member-at-Large. Michelle Cline stated she would send one final reminder out to everyone via email.
The final discussion centered around Lot 14. No offers to purchase the lot were received, and the decision was made to consult an attorney regarding Lot 14.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.