MAY 8, 2010
Matt and Michelle Cline
Julianne Bidinotto
Len Willis
Randy Hardcastle
Stephen Lane
Brian and Krista Robb
Ann Rudeen
Duwain and Marie Corbell
Larry and Renae Ruffin
Tammy and Ed Gill
Sean Johnson
Marion Scida
Fraser and Brooks Marshall
Rai Capel
The meeting was called to order at 5:10 PM by President Michelle Cline. The 2009 annual meeting minutes and the September 2009 special meeting minutes were read by Brian Robb.
Treasurer Julianne Bidinotto provided a finance report. The bank account balance as of April 2010 was $12,151.07, with a projected balance of $7,409.05 as of April 2011 after expenses.
Tammy Gill provided an update on our landscaping contract. Chris Beck was replaced by Earthwise owned by Connie Cates. Freddie Sandifer and Jonathan Radar performed an extensive search of vendors, including reviewing properties. Along with regular communication, the ACC recommended Earthwise. Additionally, the board also met with Connie Cates and estimated that Earthwise would provide better service, and potentially save on water bills over the long run. The board then copied the entire ACC on suggestions made to Connie on her contract with us, after which the contract was signed. The monthly fee for the new landscaping contract is $396.
President Michelle Cline provided an update on lot 14. In March 2010, an offer to sell lot 14 for $15,000 (subject to approval of the homeowners) was communicated to the Hardcastles and the Gills. The Hardcastles communicated they were not interested and there was no reponse from the Gills. The Koi pond that is partially on lot 14 remains an encroachment, and the HOA has been unable to obtain hazard and liability insurance as a result. The Board contracted with a real estate attorney on alternatives and will move forward with a formal notice to the Gills with options on the pond encroachment.
A vote to spend up to $5,000 on the front entry beautification project was taken after a discussion. The vote was 15 for, 9 against, 2 obstained, and 3 homeowners did not vote. It was determined that one of the proxies was a vote for if the owners of lots 1, 30, and 31 offered to lease their land adjacent to the retaining wall, or against if this lease was not offered. As a result, the measure did not pass. Several homeowners discussed getting actual plans and/or bids before committing to spend HOA monies, or getting private donations from the homeowners ($200 each) and doing much of the work ourselves. Several of the homeowners stated they would be willing to donate private funds to the project. Brooks Marshall also indicated The Arbor Society and other groups may donate trees free of charge.
The vote for VP and Member at Large was then taken. There were no nominations received before the meeting, so floor nominations were received for Sean Johnson as Member at Large and Brian Robb as VP. Both nominations were approved by positive vote of the homeowners.
Krista Robb provided an update on social events, as well as a request for the homeowners to be diligent watching out for drivers through the neighborhood who have no business here. Julianne Bidinotto also provided an update on Andy Bidinotto's gathering for the following Saturday. The meeting was formally closed by president Michelle Cline at 6:11pm.