JANUARY 26, 2009
Malinda Hardcastle, President
Brian Robb, Vice-President
Len Willis, Treasurer
Ann Rudeen, Secretary
Steve Lane, Member-at-Large
Theresa Madsen
Michelle Cline
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Malinda Hardcastle. Representatives from the Architectural Control Committee were also in attendance.
Theresa Madsen (ACC) presented a letter terminating the annual contract between the HOA and Landscape Partners, effective March 1, 2009, due to failure on the part of the vendor to provide services outlined in the contract. The letter was approved by the Board and signed by Malinda Hardcastle. The ACC will continue to solicit bids from other vendors for maintenance of HOA common areas; target date for a decision is February 7, 2009. Ann Rudeen presented the new entrance sign, which is awaiting new mounting brackets.
A discussion was held about the condition of the west entrance flower bed. The builder who owns Lot 1 presented the ACC with plans to improve the bed (after repositioning the screening wall) last February. Since the work has not yet been completed, the Board and ACC agreed to petition the builder for a monetary allowance whereby the HOA could have the west bed planted at the same time as the east bed this spring. Michelle Cline will draft a letter to the builder.
The Board discussed the feasibility of amending Article IV of the Declaration of Restrictions to allow the HOA to improve as well as maintain the landscaping and sprinkler system adjacent to the screening wall across Lots 1, 30 and 31. Brian Robb will solicit a legal opinion.
Brian Robb reported some news from the Social Committee. Plans are underway for the 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 11, 2009. The neighborhood garage sale will likely be moved from April to May, 2009. He will have Krista Robb check with the City of NRH regarding necessary permits.
The annual meeting of the HOA is tentatively scheduled for May 12, 2009. At that meeting, the membership will vote for President, Treasurer, and Secretary for two-year terms. Since the HOA does not have anyone serving on the Elections Committee, homeowners should report nominations for these offices to the current Secretary, Ann Rudeen, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the election. Anyone homeowner may run for office, except spouses of the current Vice-President and Member-at-Large (both of whom will serve one more year).
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 by President Malinda Hardcastle.