OCTOBER 14, 2008
Malinda Hardcastle, President
Len Willis, Treasurer
Ann Rudeen, Secretary
Steve Lane, Member-at-Large
Theresa Madsen, ACC
Michelle Cline, ACC
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Malinda Hardcastle. Members of the Architectural Control Committee were present to follow-up on agenda items from the previous Board meeting.
Michelle Cline met with Don Brown of M&J Custom Builders (owner of Lot 1) on September 26, 2008. He estimated starting reconstruction of the west entrance planter bed within two weeks. Landscape Partners has already planted fall color in the east bed. Theresa Madsen will follow up with owner of Lot 1 regarding expectations for west planter bed; particularly stone edging and planting soil to be placed before Landscape Partners can plant fall color. She will request the Knockout Rose and Wax Mrytle currently on Lot 1 be transplanted to Lot 14. She will also contact Landscape Partners to prune the roses and myrtles in both beds.
Ann Rudeen presented two layout proofs for the front entrance sign provided by Just Signs, Inc. in Colleyville. The Board and ACC voted for the preferred layout; final estimate will be provided to the Board prior to purchase. The sign will be mounted on the streetlamp at the entrance to the neighborhood, and will be similar to the sign at Grayson Villas.
Len Willis reported that the mineral rights signing bonus for Lot 14 has been deposited into the HOA account; $6786.00 minus $25.00 draft collection fee.
The Board and ACC discussed need for fire ant control for Lot 14; Theresa Madsen recommended application of diatomaceous earth (organic compound) in spring 2009. Also, the control panels for irrigation of front entrance and Lot 14 will be set to decrease watering immediately for the fall/winter months. The ACC will canvas neighborhood in early 2009 to gauge support for private donations to enhance landscaping along the east screening wall facing Kirk Rd.
The Bylaws call for semi-annual HOA meetings; therefore a meeting is due this fall. Ann Rudeen will discuss with Krista Robb (Social Committee) the possibility of combining the meeting with a social event.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 by President Malinda Hardcastle.