I have a toddler and I wanted to know if anyone else besides us would be interested in having a neighborhood playground. I think it would be great to attract new families into the area if they are thinking of buying here, and I know it would be a wonderful way for parents to meet neighbors and kids to meet neighborhood children. I don't want my little one to grow up to be only into indoor things. I would love it if the playground had lots of shade because most of the year here is too hot for unshaded. There is a perfect spot for it in Driftwood on the lot currently for sale. Lassing Park would also be nice if there was some shade available wherever the playground was to be located. The playground at Dell Holmes is great, but it is easy to burn the skin on the slides, etc, because there is very little shade. Anyway, thanks for looking at my post and please let me know if there is anyway I can facilitate this.