In Attendance:
Jeff Burns
Vic Ephrem
JoAnne Lawson
Bob Williams
Lynn Williams
Julie Howard
Since we did not have a quorum, no specific items were voted on at the meeting. However, a few items were discussed and need action, as specifically noted below. If anyone disagrees with any of the action steps indicated below, please notify me via e-mail or phone (399-4867).
The following meeting agenda items were discussed:
1) The Mayor’s Neighborhood Summit Update:
On Friday, July 30 our neighborhood was recognized as a recipient of a 1999-2000 matching grant in the amount of $5,000 for continuation of the Lamppost project. This phase will ensure that every street corner in Granada has at least one working lamppost and that each street has a minimum of six lampposts
At the Summit Luncheon on Saturday, July 31 we were one of three neighborhoods featured in a video showcasing the 1998-1999 projects. Our Lamppost project was the lead project shown on the video.
2) Electrical Update:
Our electrician will begin work this week on the lampposts on San Jose Blvd. Neighbors on the corners of San Jose have been notified.
3) 501-c-3 status:
We have filed for incorporation as the Granada Preservation Society, reflecting our focus on historic restoration. We will continue working on all the paperwork involved in becoming a 501-c-3 (non-profit) organization
4) Local Eagle Scout Troop:
One of the local neighbors (the Flynts on Alhambra Dr West) has a son in the Eagle Scouts who will be working, with his troop, on a Scout Project during August in our neighborhood. They will focus on painting lampposts and, if time permits, on staining some of the “non-pink” curbs.
5) Ordering lamp heads, and miscellaneous parts for neighbors:
We will have a meeting for neighbors interested in ordering lamp heads (I do have a sample of the larger lamp head) and other miscellaneous replacement parts later this month on a date/time to be determined
We will order just one lamppost in this order to make sure that it is exactly what we need. Additional lampposts will be ordered once we have access to our 1999-2000 matching grant funds
6) Membership Fundraising:
We discussed three membership levels in the Granada Preservation Society:
$30 for basic (supporting member) membership
$75 for Granada 75th anniversary commemorative membership(Will include a matted re-print, suitable for framing, of one of Jane’s original neighborhood pictures or a matted re-print of the original neighborhood offering price sheet).
$500 for Lamppost Sponsor level (will include engraved plaque recognizing the donor to be affixed on the concrete base of a lamppost)
Please note that this is an action item as we need to get out a newsletter this month regarding our 1999-2000 matching grant and this is an ideal time to start our membership drive and fundraising. Please notify Jeff Burns ASAP if you do not agree with these membership levels.
7) Neighborhood website:
We now have a neighborhood website which is part of a national program called which works with corporations and communities to try to establish a local neighborhoods as part of their greater local on-line community.
Our site is
I will be adding some information to this website over the next few weeks and hope to have it in pretty good shape by the end of August.
8) Celebrating the completion of the San Jose Lamppost project:
Tentative date is set for Sunday, October 24th (Jaguars have no game that day)
We discussed having a “block party” which would start the entrance on the corner of Granada Blvd and San Jose and extend into the park.
We also discussed some potential fundraising concepts, which could be coordinated with this event
We’ll discuss in more detail at our next meeting
Other issues we discussed:
1) Involvement with the area Southeast CPAC (Citizens Planning organization). Several attendees expressed some interest in this.
2) Equipping our lampposts on San Jose Blvd with vertical flag banners, like the tall lampposts downtown. We’ll explore some options, including creating a “Granada, the Suburb Supreme” flag/banner.
3) I will try to locate the most current version of our by-laws and articles of incorporation and will send them out for discussion at our next meeting.
4) Someone on our team will be named to coordinate the “Celebration” event scheduled for October 24th.
5) Newsletter – the proposed neighborhood newsletter will be attached with the hard copy of these minutes and, also, will be posted on our website. Action Item: Please review the newsletter and advise of any suggestions or concerns ASAP since I want to get it out to the neighborhood by early next week.
6) Neighborhood Diagram/Map – I was able to piece together a fairly comprehensive map detailing every house and owner in the neighborhood. I will make copies and include it with the hard copy version of these minutes.
7) Landscaping along San Jose. A suggestion was made to plant crepe myrtles along San Jose Blvd. This could be done in cooperation with the city. We could also talk to Greenscape about what they could do to help (one of their staff members lives in our neighborhood).