Graveline Pointe

PUD short end of the stick

Posted in: St Andrews
Different Folk

Paula, thank for joining me on this conversation. Nobody is the bad guy in this economic issue. But, we should assume that the part-time residents will act in their own self-interest, and the information we have indicates the character of the neighbor area will change from predominately permanent resident to part-time resident. By the fact that they are part-time, their self-interests will have some full-time needs related to protecting their home values and safety and part-time needs related to taking care of them personally while they are here. Their part-time needs include medical care and recreational facilities. They will probably have no need for education and social services. Consequently, they will resist paying taxes for spending that does not persuasively support their needs. Even though they will not be able to vote, they can greatly affect local elections by campaign contributions.

Regarding medical services, part-time residents would probably not be interested in paying taxes for hospital care beyond whatever it takes to stabilize an illness so they can return to their insurance network healthcare providers in their home States. So hospital expansions for surgery, child birth, and long term care (e.g. wellness, heart, diabetes, and cancer) will probably be resisted if it requires increases in property taxes.

I wonder how to find evidence about what has happened in other communities that had similar changes in character.

By Al Pettigrew

In addition to changing the perceived character of our area from permanent residents to part-time residents, our neighborhood is likely to be impacted by the costs of the St. Andrews Water/Sewer Utility extending its services to the development. We are likely to be affected by loss of wetlands that absorb storm waters because the developers indicated they will seek approval for wetlands mitigation. We are likely to be affected by increased costs of operating the volunteer fire department because of its greater responsibility for the increased population. Our access to the beach and parking near the St. Andrews water tower will be obstructed and reduced. Lastly, our property values are likely to be at increasing risk as the second-homes and condominiums age and tend to become rentals. Therefore, approval of the developers proposed zoning requests should be conditioned on requirement of the following covenants that shall run with the land: 1. The private developers must agree to pay the full financial burden of extending water, sewer, and roads to their property using materials and technology consistent with the existing infrastructure and with their own development needs. 2. The private developers must lay out and transfer rights of way to the county for roads and utilities before any construction commences. Further, all streets and roads shall be constructed to meet Jackson County urban standards. 3. Any wetlands mitigation must improve the protection of homes in the PUD, St. Andrews, and Pinehurst neighborhoods from storm waters and winds. 4. All multifamily dwelling structures must be protected by sprinkler systems and all dwellings must be served by working fire hydrants with water mains - all meeting requirements of the Southern Building Code. 5. Storm water shall be prevented from entering into the regional waste water treatment system. 6. Public parking space and unobstructed public access to the beach must be allowed for the beach near the St. Andrews water tower in an amount to be approved by the County Planning Department. 7. No dwelling in the PUD may be sold on the basis of time sharing,leased or rented.

By Al Pettigrew
Beach view and access

The platt closes West Belle Fontaine Dr. Maybe that is a misprint on the platt but it's there. Also, it proposes to divert West Belle Fontaine Dr. north away from the beach and build a condominium south of the road.

This is just the thing that the Sun Herald warns against in its June 19 editorial. Big mistakes were made in Florida and Alabama when they allowed high rise buildings between the beach roads and the beaches. Mississippi has made the same mistake but we still have some beach views and access left, and one of them is the beach south of St. Andrews. The developers must not be allowed to close or divert West Belle Fontaine Dr.

By Al Pettigrew
My letter to the Planning Comish

June 28, 2005
Jackson County Planning Commission
3103 Magnolia Street,
Pascagoula, MS 39567-4199 Fax 228-769-3116

Dear Ms. Miller:

Re: Application of Gregory L. Williams & Martha Biddix, Owners, and Laguna, Landing Development, Inc., Developers, to request a zone change From R-1, R-lA, A-2 and C-1 to a Planned Unit Development (PUD), in the St. Andrews/Fountainbleau area; Hearing 6/29/05 1:00 P.M.

On June 28, Mike McAdams, the developers?’ representative, kindly called to discuss any questions I had about their proposal and to invite me to attend the hearing. Based on our conversation, I am writing to request that the Planning Commission condition approval of the application on the following:

Recommendation 1: Mr. Mike McAdams agreed that the private developers must pay the full financial burden of extending water, sewer, and roads to their property using materials and technology consistent with the existing infrastructure and with their own development needs.

Recommendation 2: Mr. McAdams agreed the private developers must lay out and transfer rights of way to the county for roads and utilities before any construction commences on roads and streets that will be dedicated to public use.

Recommendation 3: Mr. McAdams agreed that any wetlands mitigation must improve the protection of homes in the PUD, St. Andrews, and Pinehurst neighborhoods from storm waters and winds. In other words, any mitigations for development of wetlands must be in kind and in or near the PUD, St. Andrews, and Pinehurst neighborhoods and no credits will be purchased from the wetlands mitigation bank. This will help us minimize flooding from storm waters and help protect us from storm winds through urban forestry.

Recommendation 4: Mr. McAdams agreed all multifamily dwelling structures must be protected by sprinkler systems and all dwellings must be served by working fire hydrants with water mains - all meeting requirements of the Southern Building Code. This will minimize the burden on our volunteer fire departments.

Recommendation 5: Mr. McAdams agreed that storm water in the PUD shall be prevented from entering into the regional wastewater treatment system. This will protect us from having to pay higher fees to the regional waste water system. Also, he indicated that the road bisecting golfing fairway #2 will be developed in the first year of the development and this will give us an alternative connection to Biddix Road in the event the front of St. Andrews is blocked by standing storm water.

Recommendation 6: Mr. McAdams agreed that St. Andrews residents will have parking space and unobstructed access to the beach and condominium amenities for the gulf beach area in the vicinity of the St. Andrews water tower. I believe the available beach frontage should be in accordance with planning concepts followed by the County Planning Department. Also, the approval of the developers?’ application should be conditioned on the developers grant of a recreational easement to the beach for the benefit of all St. Andrews residents. Moreover, Mr. McAdams informed me that a resident of St. Andrews, Mr. Jim Hopper, and the developers had made an agreement where the developers would not obstruct his view of the water west of a line drawn between his house and the water tower. To bind the developers successors, assigns, and grantees, and anyone else who may acquire the property, it is requested that the application be further conditioned on a prohibition of multi-dwelling units being constructed west of a line between Jim Hopper?’s home and the St. Andrews water tower.

By Al Pettigrew
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