Park Hill has two public libraries. Park Hill Library is located at 4705 Montview Blvd at Dexter Street. The phone number is 303-331-4063. The Pauline Robinson Library is located at 5575 E. 33rd Avenue at Holly Street. The phone number is 303-370-1530.
Park Hill Library offers "Story Time for 3-5 Year Olds" on Thursdays at 10:30am. It's free and no registration is required.
Pauline Robinson Library offers "Story Time for Children Under Five" on Wednesdays at 10a and 10:45a. They also offer the following after school programs for children ages 6 to 12:
April 2: Stories from Asia
April 4: Shadow Puppets
April 9: Making Thumb Pianos
April 11: Songs and Stories with Kid Coyote
You can reserve books at the library on the internet by going to (or click on the link below). Then click on "Library Catalogs". Then click on the option "Denver Public Library Catalog" and begin your search.
If you'd like personal instruction on using the catalogue, both Park Hill and Pauline Robinson libraries have volunteers who can give you one-on-one training.