I spoke to Mr. Mike Langlett in Cherry Creeks planning area and here is what he stated to me as best that I can remember. First Cherry Creek has not signed anything with IREA and probably will not. However, IREA has the right to condem the land and take it anyway. Then there is a procedure that IREA has to follow with the Arapahoe county planning board and a public hearing. IREA approached them about the land because someone felt it would be a good site. Cherry Creek said first approach the homeowners and have them agree with the site. Also this will not look anything like the one on Arapahoe road if it does go through. The electro-magnetic field has little or no effect unless you are directly under it. He also said Village Homes had nothing to do with it. This is what I could remember, I hope it helps with some of the misinformation that is out there.