Greenfield Lakes Owners Association
Meeting of the Board of Director
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Board Members Present: Mark Lewis
David Welbes
Dawn Tunny
Karen Whiting
Gladys Sublett
Jodi White
Collette Reno
Board Members Absent:
Others Present: 8 Homeowners ?– Jim Nolan, Karen Kemp, Keisa and Jerry Gray, Joey & Cathy Leon, Monte Zilmer, Moe Tank
Betsy Klopp, PMG Services
Call to Order and Certification of Quorum:
Dawn Tunny certified that quorum had been met, and Mark Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m.
Agenda Review
There were not any changes made to the agenda.
Architectural Requests
Lot #39
This request was to add a wall to their front courtyard. This item was approved subject to the conditions that the stucco is painted to match the house, and the courtyard wall is not to exceed 36?” in height according to the City Ordinance.
Lot #40
This homeowner wishes to install sunscreens on the east, west, and south facing windows. This item was approved subject to the condition that the colors of the screens are to match the color of the house to preserve the aesthetics of the community.
Lot #59
This request is to make a change to their landscaping. They wish to add 8 Sissoo trees along their back fence to replace the trees that died. This was approved subject to the condition that the trees are to be planted inside the property line along the back fence.
Lot #196
This homeowner wishes to place a storage shed against the block wall facing Calle del Norte. This was approved subject to the condition that the height of the shed is not to exceed 72?”.
Lot #29
This request is to install an aluminum patio cover. This item was approved.
Lot #167
This was a re-submittal for a security screen door. The homeowner had received prior approval for the door, but learned that their choice was no longer available. This item was approved.
Lot #210
This homeowner wishes to extend their driveway to the RV gate. This item was approved subject to the condition that the extension is not any closer than 4 feet from the existing front sidewalk.
Collette Reno made a motion to elect Mark Lewis as President, Dawn Tunny seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Karen Whiting made a motion to elect Collette Reno as Vice President, Mark Lewis seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Dawn Tunny made a motion to elect Jodi White as Secretary, Mark Lewis seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Collette Reno made a motion to elect Karen Whiting as Treasurer, Dawn Tunny seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Review of the March 2006 Meeting Minutes
Mark Lewis made a motion to approve the March 2006 minutes. Collette Reno seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Review of the April 2006 Annual Meeting Minutes
Collette Reno made a motion to approve the April Annual Meeting Minutes, Mark Lewis seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Review of the March 2006 Financial Statements
Mark Lewis made a motion to pay the March bills, approve the PMG invoice, and approve the March Financial Statements. Karen Whiting seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Review of the April 2006 Financial Statements
Mark Lewis made a motion to approve the April Financial Statements, bills, and PMG Invoice, Karen Whiting seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Old Business
Committee Formation Regarding Rentals
Karen Kemp requested that the HOA back her up for neighbor disputes on her street. She wants to have the Board speak up for her and her neighbors. Betsy said she would be willing to send a courtesy letter if Karen can come up with documentation of the problems to be addressed, and give her the address of where the letter should be sent. Karen wants to be sure the letter is sent to the Homeowners to address the troubles with the people renting the house, not the renters. Karen Kemp and Cathy Leon said they would provide documentation and obtain an address for the letter.
Betsy Klopp then informed those in attendance of the fining process. There seemed to be confusion that the HOA does not address violations. Betsy just clarified that courtesy letters, warning letters, then fines are sent to the houses. For the most part the process is working and people do follow the letters direction or pay the fines.
Then Karen Kemp wanted to know what the process was for forming a Committee to try regulating the number of renters in the community. Collette Reno made a motion that the issue could be put in the next billing for people to express their opinion on whether or not the number of rentals in the community should be regulated. Dawn Tunny seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-2.
Once the answers are received, if there appears to be an interest, and then Karen Kemp and her Committee will work with Betsy and the lawyers on how word the ballot to be mailed to the homeowners to vote on whether or not to change the CCR?’s to regulate renting.
The Board discussed there may be a cap such as 10%, but those that are currently renting would be grand-fathered in until the house went up for sale in the future. Another option would be to add an extra fee to those homeowners who continue to rent the house after a certain period of time, such as 2 years or so.
Common Wall Painting
Mark Lewis is working on getting the paint information regarding the fiber paint and quotes. Once this is obtained, the Board will move forward with the painting, sending letters to all homeowners that have party walls stating that if any homeowner causes further wall damage they will be responsible for the repair. Betsy has taken before photos of these houses. Also, letters should be sent to homeowners offering the company could paint their personal property walls at the same time if they wish to cover their portion of the expense to have it done. Painting should start in about 3 weeks.
New Business
Betsy Klopp informed the Board that the playground equipment had been cleaned.
The Board approved street sweeping in Parcel 6.
Dawn Tunny made a motion to get address labels ordered and installed on the Golf Course properties. Mark Lewis seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Dawn Tunny made a motion that the Board increases the amount of their D&O Insurance. Currently the Board is covered for $1 million/incident. This could be increased to $2 million per incident for about $500. Mark Lewis seconded the motion, and the motion passed 6-1.
Open Forum
Moe Tank addressed his concern over his neighbor Monte Zilmer having his playhouse. Moe did not like that it seemed the decision for whether or not Monte could keep the playhouse had been placed on his shoulders. The Board told Moe that this was not the case, and that Monte had been informed he needed to remove the playhouse or lower it no higher than 72?”. Monte Zilmer is again going to appeal this decision. He will call Betsy to take care of this official appeal.
Jim Nolan gave Betsy a list of violations:
Dry wells on Calle del Norte and Karen ?– the dry wells on the north side by #12, and the south side are not draining properly and are full of debris. Betsy will call to have them cleaned.
1077 Portland ?– Their backyard is still dirt.
2650 Catclaw ?– Their fence is rusted and they are using wire to hold it up.
2583 Brooks ?– They have overgrown weeds up to 2 feet high and the grass needs to be cut.
845 S. Roanoke ?– The playhouse/shed still has not been removed.
940 S. Roanoke ?– Their backyard looks like a trash dump full of grocery carts, wood pallets, and other piles of junk.
With no further business to be brought in front of the Board, the regular Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dawn Tunny