Greentrees Civic Association

September 2002 Newsletter

Sep 05, 2007

Editors: Ted & Angie Yeiser

Greentrees Civic Association

General Membership Meeting

September 17,2002
7:00p.m. fellowship
7:30 meeting at
Church of The Holy Spirit

This is one meeting you can not afford to miss. Did you see the recent article in the July 28th Real Estate Section of the Commercial Appeal? If not, you will find a copy of it inserted in this newsletter. It is very important reading. Read up and come with all your questions ready. Walter Wills, III, is the principal owner of the retail center being developed at Kirby and Quince. He has also been active in trying to develop the old landmark home east of Kirby Parkway and north of the railroad track. It is known as Kirby Farms. Mr Wills is seeking to establish it as a Bed & Breakfast/Hotel. He has recently received approval from The City of Germantown on these plans. Mr Wills is to be our speaker at this meeting and he is ready to try to answer your questions regarding either of these developments.

Slate of 2003
Greentrees Officers/Executive Board Members

The Greentrees nominating committee has been busy once again looking for Greentrees residents to serve you as Association Officers and Executive Board Members. This is not an easy task. However, once again the committee has come up with some great nominees.

President:Bill Phillips

1st Vice President:Mark White

2nd Vice President:Ann Brown

Secretary:B.J. Worthy

Treasurer: Bob & Jennifer Timm

Holmes Park/Kirby Parkway Director:Russell Hill

Newsletter Editor:Earl Billings

Garden Tour Representative: Ann Florendo

Section 1 Representative:Ann Elliott

Section 2 Representative:Mary Turner

Section 3 Representative:Joan Vegezzi

Section 4 Representative:Mary Margaret Ware
Section 5 Representative:Shelly & John Anderson

Section Representative and Block Captain Announcement

The following is a letter from Mr. Art Herr, Greentrees Block Captain Chairman

In mid-July, the MLGW Training Division hosted a Neighborhood Leadership Workshop. Greentrees was represented by Ann Schmitt, GCA President, Guy Treece, Greentrees Holmes Park/Kirby Parkway Director, and Art Herr, Greentrees new Block Captain Chairman. The workshop gave our neighborhood leaders not only new ideas but renewed their respect for all the good folks in Memphis who are part of very active civic associations. Naturally, we felt proud to represent you as the homeowners of Greentrees.

The Greentrees Civic Association has five Section Representatives. They are voted into office in accordance with the Bylaws. These five, with the other elected officers, serve as voting members of the GCS Executive Committee. The Section and Area Representatives have the responsibility to recruit Block Captains for their areas.

Since Greentrees has a rather large number of households and nearly forty Streets, Coves, Drives, a Pike, and aParkway, it takes at least that number of Block Captain volunteers to maintain good communications with all of us. That means we always need help in distributing the news of the good work done by the GCA.

If you can attend the CGA Executive Meeting held on Tuesday, September 10, at 7:00 p.m., we will explain how you might get involved in an effort to preserve our changing neighborhood. It is ?“Grass Roots Democracy?” at it?’s best. Never before in our country?’s history has our Nation needed us together more than now.

We need to plan so that a maximum of 20 to 25 households will be assigned to an individual Block Captain. The duties will only involve a few phone calls and perhaps a few personal visits to your close-by neighbors at times when GCA feels it has items of news that are urgent. Art Herr is planning to share his ideas on how to ?“revitalize?” the Block Captain arrangement and to hear your suggestions. We already do so many things well, such as our relationship with the East Precinct regarding crime watch, the on-going beautification of Kirby Parkway and Holmes Park, our Newsletter, Greentrees Annual Garden Tour, etc. There are just a few things we need in order to make the Block Captain Program even better.

The Block Captain Program only needs a few more Greentrees Neighbors who realize the value of a dynamic and participating Civic Association. Please come hear Art Herr explain this wonderful asset to our neighborhood and meet the Section Representatives that will help you make a good decision to become an active part of Greentrees future.
Yard of the Month

*May...Shirley Gradwohl
6833 River Birch.

*Jun....John & Ramona Seabold
2109 Firefly Cove

*Jul....Charles & Sandra Trammel
2068 Black Oak Drive

*Aug..Bob & Ava Basham
6801 Poplar Pike

*Sept..Keith & Patti Faust
6766 Wild Berry Lane

Keep up the good work, we are always looking for our next yard of the month winner. It could be you!
New Neighbors!!!!

Greentrees.....Home, Sweet, Home

Be sure to help welcome our new neighbors to Greentrees.

* James Johnson Family
6897 Red Gum Cove

* Steven Jackson Family
2060 Kirby Road

* Larry Williams Family
2064 Hickory Crest

* Jimmy Carpenter Family
1992 Kirby Road

* Ralph Waters Family
6896 Silver Maple Cove

* Daniel Gallini Family
6917 Tangleberry Cove

* J. Daniel Page Family
6830 Slash Pine Cove

* Larry May Family
1979 Kirby Parkway

* Fashell Martin Family
6696 Messick Road

* William Strauss Family
2361 Kirby Parkway

* Diosdado Barawid, Jr. Family
2001 Kirby Parkway

* April Bryan Family
2315 Hickory Crest Dr.

Need Your Pool Closed?

With fall on the way, you might be thinking about having your pool closed. Are you looking for someone to close your pool?

John is a college student who has worked in the pool business for many years. He is reliable and will give references. So call soon and get on the list to have your pool closed. Call John at 755-9162 for more information.

Recommendation from a Neighbor

Have you ever thought about turning your carport into a garage? Well a Greentree neighbor recently decided to do just that and would like to share their information with you on the company they used. Call Cayson Garage Doors, at 353-1658. They were responsive from the beginning and completed the job on budget and on schedule. They did an exceptional job and would come highly recommended.

Greentrees Crime Watch

Mark White, Greentrees neighborhood liaison with the Police Department, has asked that we remind you to please not leave anything in your car or carport for someone to see and help themselves to. Car break-ins in our neighborhood are still occurring, So lets all be on the lookout. If everyone stays alert to what is going on around them maybe we can put an end to these petty crimes.

If anyone knows of a crime that has occurred in Greentrees, please call the police department (528-2222), and our East Precinct Advisor, Mark White (754-8149). If Mark is made aware of a crime, he can follow-up during his monthly meeting with Precinct Officers. Thank you for your support and remember to keep a protective eye on your neighbors and their property. Mark White is looking for someone to help him on occasion attend the Precinct meetings. If you would like to help out call Mark White at 754-8149.

Have you noticed the ?“Greentrees?”sign post?

Greentrees is now going to be known by everyone that travels Kirby Parkway. The City has finally installed the beautiful Greentrees sign post. The is one at each end of the Parkway. A big thanks goes out to Guy Treece for having the tenacity to stick with it and work with the City of Memphis to get these signs installed.

Greentrees Picture Still Available

The rendering of our beautiful parkway painting by Greentrees artist MaryJon Hardin Herr is still available. The painting is of Kirby Parkway in full bloom with the ?“Greentrees?” sign posts. MaryJon?’s painting was so beautiful that many in attendance at the previous membership meetings expressed interest in having a print made. Mary Jon did her research and has found someone to do this for the association. We are excited to be able to offer for purchase an extremely good quality print on canvas that will be available in several sizes. An 8 x 10 will cost $25.00 and a 11 x 14 will be $40.00. We are in the process of putting the picture on our website for you to view and decide what size you would like to purchase. If you have any questions please feel free to call Ann Schmitt at 754-0365. And again, we want to thank MaryJon for graciously giving such a gift to our neighborhood.


Our condolences on the loss of their loved ones are extended to:

* Laura & Ken Echols on the
recent death of Laura?’s father.

* Carolyn Eggleston on the
recent death of her husband.

* Mary Clouse on the recent death
of her husband.

* Joanne Jenkins on the recent
death of her husband.

* Richard & Joy McConnell on
the recent death of Joanne?’s

* Jay & Joyce Robinson on the
recent death of Jay?’s brother.

* The family of Moo Yim Mok on
their great loss.

Reminder regarding Tree Trimming

There were several complaints about the removal of debris from tree trimming and tree removal. The City has a very strict policy we thought we better remind you of to save you a lot of trouble. The City will only remove limbs, etc. that are cut by the homeowner. They will not haul away debris, limbs, stumps, etc. that have been professionally cut by a tree service, etc. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to work with the tree service of their choosing to haul away anything cut by the tree service.

Greentrees Historians

We are proud to announce that Greentrees now has it?’s own Historians. Jay and Joyce Robinson, long time Greentrees residents have agreed to become our official historians. They intend to organize an album about our neighborhood that will be shared with everyone at membership meetings. In order to go back to the beginning of Greentrees history they are in need of your help. We still have many longtime (original) Greentrees residents who we need to ask for help. Please look through your old pictures, news clippings, or anything you think would be interesting in the album. If you find anything of interest please call Joyce Robinson at 754-0678.

And of course a big thank-you to the Robinson?’s for agreeing to tackle such a job.

Dates to Remember:

Executive Board Meeting.
Sept. 10, 2002 - 7:00 p.m.
At Church of The Holy Spirit

This is a meeting that usually is attended by only the Executive Board. However, at this meeting we would like Greentrees residents interested inlearning about what it means to become a block captain. We need your help so please come.

General Membership Meeting
Sept. 17, 2002 - 7:00p.m.
At Church of The Holy Spirit

This is a very important meeting for all Greentrees residents to have an opportunity to hear developer Walter Wills and have him answer your questions. This is also a way to meet your neighbors.

Be considerate of your neighbors

There have been numerous complaints from Greentrees residents about barking dogs. Please try to keep your dogs from barking, especially early in the morning and late in the evening.

Also, due to the serious issues pertaining to the West Nile Virus, take a minute to walk around your property and check for any standing water. Do not allow water to stand in your plant saucers, bird baths, fountains, ponds, buckets, etc. This is also a good time to make sure that your gutters are clean. Leaves and debris prevent water from flowing out of the gutters, therefore causing a perfect breeding area for mosquitos. If everyone will do their part, we can hopefully prevent anyone from coming in contact with the virus.

Thank you for your help!

Greentrees Section
Representatives & Block Captains

Section Representative 1:Ann Elliott(754-0434)

Black Thorne Cove.....Kathy Crider(755-8090)
Bramble Cove............Betty Smith(754-6003)
Conifer Cove.......Amy & Louis Chanin(753-4366)
Firefly Cove...............Gracie Quick(755-6219)
Fox Run Cove............Sue Polden(759-0024)
Kirby Road............Patti Williams(755-7506)
Larch Lane............Paige Proctor(751-1935)
Old Lake Cove.......Brenda Bingham(755-6262)

Old Lake Pike......1942 to 2041
Ann Elliott(754-0434)
2046 to 2113
Betty Walker(754-6638)

Section Representative 2:Mary Turner(754-2990)

Forest Grove Dr.....Mary Turner(754-2990)
Hickory Forest Dr....Doris Tate(754-0844)

Kirby Parkway.....1956 to 2095
(See phone numbers above)
2300 to 2405
Art Herr(757-8860)
Messick Road.........Art Herr(757-8860)
Pidgeon Woods Cove...Art Herr(757-8860)

Section Representative 3:Joan Vegezzi(754-5485)

Paper Birch Cv... Lisa Thompson(753-1978)
Paper Birch Lane... OPEN
Post Oak Cove.......Ann Heffernan(756-5278)
Sunburst Cove....... OPEN
Tangleberry Lane...Linda Harrington(754-5775)
White Ash Cove...... OPEN
Wild Berry Lane....Joan Vegezzi(754-5485)

Section Representative 4:Mary Margaret Ware

Dove Roost Cove.....Mary Margaret Ware(756-5826)
Hickory Crest Cove...Bob Timm(755-9904)

Hickory Crest Drive......2043 to 2082
Debbie Taylor(737-3516)
.....2090 to 2137 Alexa Robinson (752-5354)
.....2142 to 2231
Ann Florendo(755-3745)
....2238 to 2407
Hickory Crest Drive......2238 to 2407
Mary Dahmer(737-8613)
Honey Locust Cove..... Ann Mathes(625-5257)
Red Gum Cove........Donna Heathcock(753-6762)
Robin Perch Cove.......Susan Hill(757-5449)
Talisman Cove............Kay Dortch(754-6206)
Tangleberry Cove.......Barbara Young(755-0398)

Section Representative 5:
Shelly & John Anderson (737-9734)

Black Oak Dr............Charlene Beeson(757-5906)
Poplar Pike...............Pat Gesell(754-7674)
River Birch........Shirley Gradwohl(755-5767)
Satinwood Cove........Joyce Robinson(754-0678)
Satinwood Drive.......Judy Denman(754-0491)
Silver Maple Cove....Nancy & Tom Madden(754-2511)
Sugar Maple Cove...Ron Houston(737-7479)

*NOTE: Updated September, 2002 ......Volunteers are needed. Please notify Art Herr at 757-8860 to volunteer as a Block Captain.

Do you have old shutters you would like to get rid of?

A Greentrees resident is looking for old shutters. He is in need of replacing several old shutters and can not locate his style of shutters anymore. If you have any you would like to donate to him please call Earle Billings at
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