Greenview Neighbors Association

Civic Discussion meetings

The Next Four Years 2013 
The South Area Civic League (SACL) engaged and educated the the community in as non-political environment as possible by hosting its first “Civic Discussion,” Saturday, January 26, 2013 at Chicago State University.  It involved a panel of distinguished experts, famed economists, a team of financial experts, and most important, “average Americans” . The panel of experts was well represented, but there were not many average persons there.
  The purpose: to come up with a simple plan to THRIVE. During the next four years if we are to move forward then we need to PLAN and do something. Experts, President Obama’s economic policies and community leaders need your help!.
Justin, Stephen, Carrie,
Anna, of the MoveOn movement said it best,"The goal is no longer to just survive. The goal is for us to thrive. We need too stop settling for just “getting by.” 
 This Discussion give regular people a powerful voice in politics. It give us a chance to hear lots of different ideas and to set our course together!  If we are to do that...we need to be there together.
The answer to our concerns is actually quite simple the power and direction for better comes entirely from “average Americans” like you. The type of work we do together and the issues that we focus on aren't decided by experts, politicians  they're decided by YOU!
There will be other  “Civic Discussion meetings. Can you take a moment of your time to tell the people who are working so hard for you what you want,  how you think they can help you and what you are willing to do to make our community/world BETTER!
Your  help is needed to work on these progressive issues.
Strategy One: Promote the history and culture that made Black Communities famous.
In Chicago's Bronzeville, where jazzman Louis Armstrong and writer Richard Wright once made their homes, activists and politicians are trying to promote cultural tourism and persuade President Obama to locate his presidential library there.
In Roseland Heights we are doing the same with a proposed Martin L. King Memorial (99th & King Dr.) As the country recovers from the recession, black communities and others like them are playing up what has made them famous: African-American history and culture.
We are hoping the memorial, community gardens and bike paths will give our neighborhood uniqueness and give us an edge in attracting new residents, businesses, shoppers and diners for 95th. 
Strategy Two: Better networking with the power structure or with institutions that have cash to invest.  Roseland Heights has some thing to offer, a clean, crime free place to live. It's a matter of self-esteem on a community level, realizing the worth of the local history and where we live. Now weave these things into revitalization plans. "We are as good as or better than any community in this city. Say it, beleive it and Promote It!
 Strategy Three: We were, in some respects, struggling before the recession and the housing collapsed and unemployment.are not helping us. We need to do our best to make where we live look good, Many neighborhoods are trying different ways to recover. Along with the city or politicians we need to attract new residents. Talk-up your neighborhood at work, church, every place you go. We need residential or commercial development" We need programs for our schools, The Roseland Heights MLK Commuittee plans (with CSU) to promote cultural heritage & tourism by proposing a Cultural Heritage Corridor stretching down King Dr. from Bronzville to 115th Street. Hoping to connect with the Last Four Miles (Lake Front bike routes), merged by the National Park  in Pullman. There are several historic properties on King Dr. which have been granted landmark status by the city already. The Old Field house in Abbott Park could also be worked into plan.  

*Note:The Woodson Library houses the "Defender" artifacts. The vestiges of this collection have been donated to the Vivian Harsh Collection at this library. The Cultural Center (Abbott Park, 49 E. 95th Street) has new landscaping. It has historic & architectural significance and wouldn't this be a great time to think about a revitalization for the park and community?

   "Make no little plans" Daniel Burnham's motto fits the proposed ideas for The Abbott Park Cultural Center. Could it feature part of the Defender artifacts (copies) or have exhibits (multimedia archives). Then be placed on the culturally rich neighborhood tours; it would be an option for people coming to the Woodson exhibit to stop and see the park named after the newspaper,s founder. How about a visitor's center for the far south side, offering a neighborhood place to discover Chicago's African-American history? Abbott Park's Cultural Center could become one of the fun things to do in Chicago, the where to go , exciting neighborhood to do. Abbott could offer a unique, enjoyable, memorable experience in the 6th Ward. 

Posted in Chicago by ctucke20 on 01/28/2013
Last updated by susana on 07/26/2013
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