The Pool Manager, Bre Exley, and the committee chair, Tom Lightner, wish you a happy and safe summer in the upcoming pool season. We also bring to you a report on the recently conducted pool survey. We received 35 returns. The quantifiable results and pool committee/Greenway Park board actions follow:
Q1:If the pool offered a water aerobics class at a moderate price, do you think you woiuld attend it? (59% yes;41% no). The committee is making plans to offer water aerobics classes. The start will be delayed until training is completed.
Q2: Should GP provide a barbecue for use on the lawn in the large pool area? (51% yes, 34% no). the pool committee is considering a barbecue outside the pool area.
Q3: Should pool rules allow alcoholic beverages in the lawn area? (29% yes, 57% no). The pool committee voted with the majority.
Q4: Should GP purchase a moderately priced( about $600) stereo system that can be used for both the pool area and the clubhouse? (57% yes; 33% no). The pool committee recommended purchase. It was rejected by the board
Q5: Should GP provide a smoking area in the pool area? (29% yes; 57% no). The pool committee voted with the majority.
In the comments section, three items were mentioned at least three times:
1. Allow children to swim during the 15 minute adult swim if no adults are present.
2. Schedule a lap swim.
3. Keep the music at a moderate level and a middle of the road selection.
The purpopse of the 15 minute break is more a legal requirement than it is an adult swim. State law requires children to vacate the pool for 15 minutes every two hours, or every hour when the pool is more crowded. In addition, the breaks give an opportunity for breaks for the guards. The pool committee is formulating a policy on a lap swim and will poublicize the policy when it is complete. With the defeat of the music equipment proposal, it appears as though the music equipment will be similar to what was in use last summer.
The pool committee's next meeting is at the clubhouse on Monday, June 11. All homeowners are welcome to attend. The pool opened on Memorial Day Weekend.
News from From Last Issue
Squirt guns and floatation devices will be allowed in the pool this year, but only at the discretion of the lifeguard. the lifeguard will have the authroity to not allow them if he or she decides they're causing problems.