- ludlow1
- Respected Neighbor
- Pawtucket, RI
- 442 Posts
The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority decided to change the Shea High School bus schedule on Saturday, January 19 without the consent of Shea parents and students. Without parent or student knowledge, RIPTA buses arrived Tuesday morning 15-20 minutes late. As a result, students who never spend time in detention will spend three nights after school. What RIPTA did not inform Shea students involves a 25-30 minute delay in the 2:20 p.m. pickup time. Imagine what will happen to students on Thursday 1/24 in subzero temperatures? For results, call and lobby RIPTA director Henry S. Kinch, 784-9500, former mayor of Pawtucket, for a return to normalcy. State Senator James Doyle 729-9988, is also an effective ally for Shea High. RIPTA's negligence should not be hurting those students who are trying to succeed.

- ludlow1
- Respected Neighbor
- Pawtucket, RI
- 442 Posts
RIPTA contact
The RIPTA bus mess has affected the entire city of Pawtucket, not just the west side. A good RIPTA contact is Lori Cidano at 784-9500 , extension 180.
Checking on the Change
They usually post changes, but will check with RIPTA as to the situation...Is this a regular bus? Bus number and the p/u is 2:20?
By Arthur

- ludlow1
- Respected Neighbor
- Pawtucket, RI
- 442 Posts
Re: RIPTA changes
The Shea and Tolman buses are regular buses on a daily schedule. As I understand the situation from students, some of the Shea High buses have been rerouted away from East Avenue and arrival time has been delayed every morning by 15-20 minutes. Departure time may have been delayed from Shea by 20-30 minutes.
What baffles me is RIPTA, being a transportation monopoly, never contacted the families of students from Shea, Tolman, Jackie Walsh or the Alternative Learning Program. As a result, valuable education time has been lost this week.
By students and parents not knowing of government action, this seems to violate the Fourteenth Amendment of ''equal protection and equal access under the law.''
Not only does this bus reroute affect local secondary schools, but it also affects the business cycle of the artists who work downtown. Do small businesses in Pawtucket know of the schedule changes?
In closing, how do the poor survive during the freezing month? Do they know the schedule changes?
RIPTA erred in thinking that everyone has access to a newspaper or Internet service.