There is a spree of robberies in the area, most from a Providence group, but we need all the neighbors eyes to spot a unfriendly license or id of pweople who do not seem to belong....or with a strange van in a driveway. Call the Police just in case. Do not put yourselves in danger, but there are plainclothe detectives sitting or cruising too, all supporting your protection and alleviating your right for safety concerns.
By Arthur
I am watching
I called in one that got caught last year and I need some help...and you too.
By Me Too

- ludlow1
- Respected Neighbor
- Pawtucket, RI
- 442 Posts
Get good watch dog
In the early 1970's, several homes were broken into on Benefit Street. Our family solved the problem in a simple way: We purchased a loud, alley-tough, female German Shepherd. Break-ins stopped for another several years. Again, break-ins started again around 1979. By accident, my younger brother solved that problem. He caught our next door neighbor flashing second floor venetian blind signals to a nearby car. Immediately, my brother called police. Police responded immediately. The break-ins stopped for 30 years. Recently, neighbors discovered the burglaries may have caused by two teenage brothers living in a nearby home.
Neighbors are key
My neighbors were vacationing and at work when this happened, so let's all look out for one another and call police when in any doubt.
By Robbed