Welcome to the Greenwood Point Association's web page. We welcome your comments and suggestions as we try to create a web site that is meaningful and has information that you can use!
Please feel free to contact either:
Lynda - lyndakn@attbi.com
Todd - todd.nielsen@attbi.com
President GeGe Planetz
Email: cgplanetz@attbi.com
Home: 562-8059
President-Elect Judy Wedekind
Email: judywed1@aol.com
Home: 957-7981
Past President Jim Freeman
Email: jjfreeman@worldnet.att.net
Home: 644-2349
Secretary Roy Cress
Email: jcress@aol.com
Home: 746-3722
Treasurer Ken Saunders
Email: saunders@eskimo.com
Home: 641-4883
Architectural Control Kevin Niemi
Email: vposs1959@hotmail.com
Home: 654-1003
Maintenance Chuck Klein
Email: cklein@issaquah-bank.com
Home: 643-6181
Web Page Todd/Lynda Nielsen
Email: lyndakn@attbi.com
Home: 957-2007
Social Candy Nelson
Email: canbiff@aol.com
Home: 643-2372
Publicity Deborah Parsons
Email: deborah@pimcity.com
Home: 373-5969