Greer Ranch HOA

new hoa

Posted in: W Point Towne Center
hi i was just reading this section and i am seeing a great many residents who are unhappy with the current hoa happenings. i would like to see how many respond to re-creating the HOA with very differnt goals and be able to make this a true FAMILY development, safe from sun city type rules and guidelines and safe from overzealous retired persons who chose neighbor harassment over positive community involvment. If you do not agree with what i would like to do please do not respond but start your OWN discussion.

By rebecca
new Hoa

Your email does require a response.....did you read the CC&Rs before signing your legal document when you purchased your house or did you think that the rules you did not like should be disregarded or changed to better suit your needs? I fail to see where expecting the integrity of the neighborhood to be kept up by enforcing the CC&Rs that were in place when you bought your home is detracting from a FAMILY community. I would rather have my family in a higher quality neighborhood than a ''low rent'' one with little or no CC&Rs.
Which of the existing CC&Rs detract from your concept of a true Family community? Is it the one that asks that a garbage can be put away, or the one asking that the yard be maintained?
My reply

I too have been browsing through this site to get a feel of what is going on. I agree with you, there are a number of disgruntled folks here. But, you know what? You could have chosen to live in an area that doesn't have CC&R's, or has an Association that lets you pick and choose which rules to abide by. It seems that people are missing the point of what CC&R's are. They are a set of rules that are read by, and agreed to, by prospective homeowners BEFORE they buy in the neighborhood. These rules are set in place to protect the buyer and the community. The buyer is assured that their investment will be protected from deterioration in an unregulated neighborhood, and the community as a whole is protected in appearance and safety. Why, all of a sudden, are the CC&R's that you agreed to before buying your house, now unacceptable?

Our CC&R's protect our monetary investment (including yours) by not allowing the neighborhood to depreciate. If CC&R's are anti-family development, then do you believe that all of the communities that are being developed along Dysart and Litchfield roads are also anti-family? Get a copy of their CC&R's and see how they compare to ours.
Another point is that Sun City and retired isn't all bad in regards to CC&R's. Perhaps if our community had all front yards maintained professionally there would be a different look here. Perhaps the garage doors not being permitted to be open unless someone is in the garage isn't a bad idea, since this is the highest crime rate area in the City of Surprise for thefts (as stated by Surprise police officers two homeowner meetings ago). Perhaps Sun City's strong community awareness can be something we adopt and incorporate into block watches here. The theft and vandalism here, in this community, far outpaces that in the Sun City's. So strong enforcement of the CC&R's that exist here is to OUR advantage.
new hoa

i too have been contemplating the HOA issues and i would like to hear what you have to say about re-creating the association. if this is a democracy then EVERYONE should have a chance to be heard and vote should be cast on ALL issues.
i do see your point about the trash containers and hope you will join me at the next meeting to propose an amendment to the ccr's
i also have concerns about the number of houses up for sale, i question why all these 'happy residents' are fleeing the neighborhood, surely they all dont have job transfers?? i also wonder what all the for-sale signs do for 'home value'...
that was my two-cents worth and best of luck id be more then happy to assist in any way possible

By mark w.
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