Greer Ranch HOA


Posted in: W Point Towne Center
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  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 4 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor
Several months ago, my wife and I took several issues of concern to the Board. Working with them, we learned the real facts of each situation. The Board demonstrated to us that they were willing to respond to our concerns. We did not get the resolution that we desired, but it was through no fault or lack of effort of our HOA. We support the Boards actions in their efforts to enforce the CC&R's. By doing so, they are protecting ours, and everyone else's investment. We remain amazed at how much time our Board must spend addressing situations that are common areas of reponsibilty incumbent upon homeowners, not to mention that these homeowners agreed to comply with these responsibilities before they purchased their homes, but now choose to ignore them.

We will continue to attend the monthly meetings, vote for HOA members, and bring issues of concern to our Board. We support the Board. We may not totally agree on all issues, personally we wish that our CC&R's permitted more rapid action being taken against violators, however we understand that it is a slow process made even more tedious by the large number of violations and repeat violators.

We realize that membership on the Board is a thankless and seemingly endless job. We appreciate the CC&R's that are in place. WPTC was never conceived to become a depressed area, but rather one that all residents can be proud to be a member of. Without the CC&R's, and the enforcement of them, we put ourselves at risk of becoming an area that resembles so many other unregulated areas. We realize that without the continuing efforts of our Board, that our investment is at risk, the safety of the neighborhood is at jeopardy and the high potential of the WPTC is likely to be unfulfilled.

We appreciate the efforts of Mark, David, Linda, Tom, and the management company's rep, Patti Garmin.

Very well said. And thanks to Darryl also.

I'll go as far as thanking David. The new people, I haven't dealt with too much but no thanks to Mark or Daryl. I was around during the golf cart fiasco. David's the only one who voted ''no''. That was an issue that ran deep with me. David, you've got my family's vote!

By us home resident
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