Check under the and note an entry on Garden Parks. Isn't that close to the school? Yikes!
Check under the and note an entry on Garden Parks. Isn't that close to the school? Yikes!
Anonymous RE: Sex Offenders
Dear Anonymous, If you had checked the address of the sex ofender you would find that it is NOT in Gulf Meadows, but on Garden Park across Telephone Road. It is NOT anywhere near Mitchell Elementary. Neither is the sex ofender listed on Swiftwater which in in SkyScraper Shadows Addition. Please try and put something positive on the message board instead of all of the slams that you can. YOUR volunteer Officers and Board of Directors work very hard spending thier free time and thier money to see that YOUR neighborhood is as safe and clean as it can be. If you woiuld put your energy into helping us, instead of always finding something to complain about, you might enjoy the scenery. |