I'm sorry to all if my initial "vent" post caused angry responces. We should all be interested in the meetings. It's our neighborhood and no one elses. No one's responsible for it looking nice but us. All of the homeowners are the community, not just 3 or 4. I get mad that all don't pay their dues. Many of us have paid them for years. Having said that, it doesn't mean we should give up. There are always going to be people who don't do the right thing by not carrying their weight in their responsibilities! They bennefit by only a few paying, to have our entrances look nice, and maintaining all of what we knew we were responsible for when we bought our homes, including the detention area. Come to the next meeting, April 6th at 6pm...(see calendar for location)...and bring any ideas you all might have and lets work together as concerned homeowners for the future of our neighborhood. I'm just a homeowner, but know the folks who pass out the flyers and balance the books, do it on their own time.....in good faith we can move forward. Lets MOVE FORWARD! Please keep an open mind and bring your ideas to the meeting on 4/6/2011.