I am wondering if we still have a block watch and if any part of our dues are going towards it? Its kind of irritating to me to get on here and to see people so irate about our detention area and to want to set up cameras to stop the littering and what not when we could be using this money on putting a stop to all of the crimes going on in our neighborhood. Someone actually commented on the detention area saying our neghborhood is starting to "look like Corr road".. and i find myswelf agreeing with her, not because of the littering and the appearance of our neighborhood, but because of the crime rates.. might as well be living off of livingston avenue! as a victim of MULTIPLE break ins, i Just wish this neighborhood would come together and stop the crime and put the theives behind bars, instead of putting so much effort into the minor problems, such as trash in between houses and what not! Sorry but i feel as though i am spending a lot more money on my house payment than someone who lives in the projects, so i dont feel like i should feel like i live on parsons and be afraid to walk in my front door everyday!!!