Welcome to the new community website for Hammett's Glen. At the June Home Owner's meeting one of the goals for the coming year was to set up a website to aid in our communication with each other. During my research of the costs and benefits of hiring a web designer and paying for a server to host a site for us I stumbled across this host, Neighborhood Link. Their mission statement is, "...to encourage communication, provide resources, and enable connections – on a neighborhood to national scale. We will achieve these goals by creating a network of websites and related services that empower neighbors to organize information, build relationships and solve problems." A noble goal if ever I heard one.
My goal was somewhat more humble. "Find a cost effective, convenient, inclusive, informative and interesting website". Well how did I do?
Cost Effective? check...this site is free
Convenient? check...this is one of the easiest to use sites I have seen
Inclusive? check...anyone can add events, make announcements, post links, complain, start discussions, plan events, even start your own webpage! and well, well, ...well almost anything you can think of. Got some gardening or yard advice? This is the place to share it. Want to discuss yard sprinklers? Start a thread in the Discussion Forum! Don't like the yard service? 'Dis be da place! In fact, here are a couple of pages I have started: A blog on Computer Security and a Restaurant Review. So anythings possible!
Informative? check...there is potentially an endless supply of information
Interesting? well...that remains to be seen.
The interest is one thing that I alone cannot supply. If this site is to be interesting it will have to have input and participation from the members of our community. There will have to be interesting announcements, interesting links, interesting complaints, interesting discussions, interesting information and well... you get the picture. It will only be interesting and helpful to our community if you participate. I urge you to sign up, complete your profile (you can remain anonymous if you prefer), and begin making our community a rich, enjoyable, informative and interesting place to live.
Be sure to read the faq http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/public/nlfaq.html#b1 . It will answer a lot of your questions. Pay special attention to the section on reading and posting to the Discussion Board (especially question #4). I spent a day or two reading posts from all over the US but have decided to set my options to "restricted" so I will only be able to read posts from Hammett's Glen. I waste entirely too much time on the Web as it is and those other community's posts were a time pac-man for me!
I plan on monitoring the site on a daily basis and will respond as quickly as I can to all questions and discussions. So if you have a comment, complaint, or heck maybe even a pat on the back for someone, start a discussion thread or a webpage and let's get this thing moving.
Welcome and have fun!!
Jimmy Glover - President