I'm against this HOA also. I've spent the last 5 hours researching this debacle and it sounds like we are screwed! I do have a suggestion though, how about all of us who don't like this idea of an HOA band together, start going to these meetings and vote in all the people who don't want this and break it apart from the inside! also, I'm one of those homeowners who got raked over the coals with the horrible work Trusty provides and passes off as a quality product. So, we also need to get together and come up with an idea of how to hit his pocket book so after 5 years of an unfinished punch list he can Finally make things right. My suggestion is a big sign out front of my house that says " Before you build here, come talk to me inside." I've talked to many people of authority and they all say there's no slander in that statement. Trusty is not selling homes because the word is out about him, not the neighborhood. As for this HOA, My name is Lucas Reade, I live at 8724 ne 116th st. and I'd like your vote as President of what ever board is put in place.