What makes anyone think that the document we received from Weber/Trusty has anything to do with an HOA? I'm no expert or an attorney, but when we purchased our home 7 years ago we understood that there were several "builder's restrictions" in place (particular required mailboxes, no sheds, certain types of allowed fences, no parking boats/RV's in the driveway, no long-term auto work on property, etc) that we agreed to. I understand that these restrictions are in place until 5 years after the last lot is sold at which time Trusty no longer cared what went on.
It looks to me like Trusty is pulling out and turning things over to Weber and they are possibly going to try to enforce the restrictions we all agreed to. However, take fences for example...Of all the fences in the neighborhood, I count only a hand-full that meet the restrictions. 99% of the rest of them violate the agreed-to restrictions in some form or fashion including incorrect posts, incorrect pickets, connecting to the front of the house instead of the back, etc. This includes some fences that are in phase 1 of the subdivision.
What can they do? I suppose they can make us change the fences, remove the sheds and make us move our boats/RV's from our property. If they choose to somehow enforce these restrictions that WE AGREED TO I suppose we do not have a leg to stand on. Perhaps fines until the issues are corrected? I don't know. I don't claim to know.
I am AGAINST an HOA. It's why we chose this neighborhood. We did NOT want to belong to an HOA. I don't think we need an HOA. I don't know if one even exists. Can N'land N'hood group answer any of these questions? Can they enforce these restrictions when I have a 7-year-old punch list that is still unfinished? What about the phase 1 houses with "illegal" fences? I don't know.
I don't personally know Nancy. She has at times seemed to be a nuisance with her "association" idea and all of its flyers, e-mails and meeting requests. I have at times questioned her motives...not that they are evil or nefarious. She just comes off to me as someone who is a nice person who cares but might be a bit nosy...kind of like the neighbor lady in the old TV show Bewitched. LOL 
Whatever her motives are, perhaps her contacts can answer some of these questions. I looked over the document again this evening and I do not see the term "Homeowner's Association" anywhere in them...just the "restriction" term...