From: Bruggeman, Jenni []
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: Visitor Request
Tracy et al,
The comments you have sent to Ryland all get forwarded back to me and I have responded to you. I understand your frustration, I have a yard to take care of myself and it is a challenge.
While I do not think Ryland has any additional responsibilities in the Hamptons beyond finishing the homes and doing something to fix up the entry island when we are done (as I have already promised), I will approve the following only.
IF, the seed does not come in any better by fall, I will authorize a one-time application of an overseed. Grass takes time (sometimes years) to establish and it needs fertilization and weed control and sometimes it needs overseeding.
What I would like you to understand is that Ryland only seeds the common areas and yards of our homes once. It then becomes the responsibility of the HOA or the respective homeowner to maintain it. If it needs additional seed, then the HOA or the homeowner should pay for that. We only provide the initial installation of seed and sod. This is true for all of our homes in all of our communities.
I will review this again in early September and I will be happy to meet you on site at that time.
If you need any additional information, please contact me directly.
Jenni Bruggeman