Harbor Oaks

Our home values.. Up or Down?

Posted in: Riverside Chase
When I first moved to this community a few years back I drove through it several times, I did this in order to check out my neighbors at different times of the day. All this was done to make sure that my investment would not be jeopardized.
What I was looking for was any of the following:
Cars parked on lawns.
Boats in front yards.
Unkept yards.
Satellite Dishes.
Cars being rebuilt in front yard.

As it turned out there was only one house that fit in any of those categories and so I thought it was a good idea to move here and watch my home gain value as Greer moved forward.

Well here I am a few years later and now we have over 7 to 8 homes that are in direct violation of the covenants that protect our investments.

We have homes with boats in the yard even though we have a RV lot that doesn't cost a cent.

We have Commercial vehicles cluttering driveways.

We have many cars parked on the front lawn including a police officer that must believe he is exempt from these rules, oh and let me not forget that tractor trailer rig that has been parked on the lawn for several days as if we didn't have an RV lot that could accommodate it.

If your mower is broken contact the home owners assoc. there are numerous volunteers that wouldn't mind helping to mow your lawn for free. The 2 foot tall weeds are an embarrassment to us all.

If I was driving through our community today and saw the way Riverside Chase was being kepted I would not buy here.
Why should anyone else want to?

Let?’s pull together and clean up our neighborhood and help our neighbor if they need it.

If you don't believe me, take a drive through ''Thornblade'' or ''Barrington Park''
and tell me how many covenant violations you can spot there.
I'm sure you won't spot any, so why should we accept any in our community?

By Your Neighbor
reply to up or down

yeah, thornblade or barrington park. get real you live in a 100k-140k home. you wish you were in their neighborhoods. i agree with many things you say. i see it everyday. our hoa officers are to blame. get with it karen or let frank try again. no malace intended
reply to up or down

How do you think its the HOA's fault. We have sent letter after letter which is all we can really do. Do you have any suggestions? I have contacted Greer in reference to the Tractor Trailer but it has to be there during the week for him to be able to fine the homeowners. I suggest you come to the next HOA meeting with suggestions Anonymous which will be held on Aug 27th.
Our Home Values...Up or Down?

I agree with you 100%. I have often wondered why the HOA doesn't enforce the ''rules''. Our neighborhood has gone down tremendously and as much as I hate to say, we will probably move within the next few years. There are A LOT of people who do not maintain their yards the way I thought we were supposed to. The information I was given by the HOA when we moved to this neighborhood surely made me think that. The other day I saw a home that had their clothes hanging in the front yard. This same yard/house is a complete mess and I am glad I don't live next door to them. Many people keep their trashcans in the front. It was my understanding that trashcans were not to be in the front yard. I used to be proud to tell people I lived in Riverside Chase, but not anymore. We need an HOA who will enforce the ''rules'' and help this neigborhood be what it used to be. I really have no idea what the HOA does or what our dues are for. Surely it doesn't cost that much to keep the entrance ''pretty''. What about the rest of the neighborhood?!?
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