Stonebridge HOA

5/18/04 meeting minutes

Posted in: Stonebridge
Attendees: Bill Myers, , Debi Hobbs, George Poe, Martha Poe, Joe Andrews, Paul Gros, Amanda Mindham, Tim Cosens

Absent: David Rosewell

Dues (Debi)
Ballenger and Tharp have paid 2004, however 2003 has not been paid.
Contact Title companies should have been responsible for assessing the appropriate dues amount.
28 outstanding 2004 dues.
Find out which houses have sold and how many have new homeowners.
All board members present agreed that Debi will contact our lawyer to assess process on liens for those with 2003 and 2004 outstanding dues.
Amanda will verify the phone numbers for those with 2004 outstanding dues
Bill agreed to call the homeowner to discuss the situation.
2004 Budget (Debi)
Preliminary budget format created and will be modified as necessary.
Pond expenses will need to be assessed once a feasible plan has been developed
Pond (committee)
No new updates
Need to create scope of work
Tim, Amanda, Paul and Martha have agreed to meet and discuss the possible pond solutions
Clearwater plan calls for $20k per year for the next 3 years - not received well
Sprinkler system to be expanded once pond situation is clear
Sidewalk/walking path with possible Stonebridge could be entertained as well
Tree Gators (Debi)
We need 10 tree gators for the trees on the 2nd st entrance to ensure they survive the hot summer months. There are 9 living trees presently in need of gators, Joe will remove the dead tree while working on entrance landscape.
Entrance Landscape (Joe)
Joe planted bulbs in the fall for the spring flowers we saw this spring, they are done blooming, so some summer flowers will need to be planted. Investing in perennials this year.
$100 per entrance for flowers/plants.
Joe with call Mike/Dave for help with placement of new plantings.
Welcome committee (Debi)
2 new homeowners to receive the welcome baskets that have been created
Andrea to find out new homeowners and let committee know.
Block party (Amanda)
Gift certificates for door prizes
Suggestion box for next years block party or other events. Last year's box yielded no suggestions
Handing out flyers on May 22nd, to doors - not in mailboxes
Party scheduled for June 6th from 1pm to 5pm
Carnival games
Balloon man
Firetruck and dare car
Dry erase boards have been stolen, metal signs to be used in their place
Architectural related (Board)
Joe Andrews Pool plan - approved
Mike Portz replacement of deck - approved
New Location for meeting (Tim)
Tim will check with Sports City to see if next meeting can be held there.
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