BYLAWS COMMITTEE (Chair - John Stephens)
The Bylaws Committee shall be composed of five members. It's duty shall be to study all suggested changes and additions to said bylaws and make recommendations thereupon.
The Election Committee shall be composed of three members. It's duty shall be to hold all elections and make rules to govern same.
All Block Captains shall be responsible for notifying each resident on his/her street of meetings and other information as may be instructed by the body.
FUND RAISING COMMITTEE (Chair - Haroldine Crowder)
The Fund Raising Committee shall consist of five members. It's duty shall be to plan and carry out activities for the purpose of raising funds for the organization.
COMMUNITY INTEREST COMMITTEE (Chair - Juanita Turner Brooks)
The Community Interest Committee shall consist of three members. It's duty shall be to bring to the attention of members of this organizatin ideas found in newspapers, magazines, etc., concerning home and garden beautification, and other items of community interest.
The Sick and Welfare Committee shall consist of a member from each street. It's duty shall be to notify the organization of sick and disabled members. This committee shall also send cards to sick members and to the family of deceased members. The Committee shall be reimbursed for its expenditures along these lines.