- oscar5381
- Respected Neighbor
- Brentwood, TN
- 173 Posts
Someone who smokes Tahoe brand cigarettes has been discarding the butts on the upper road and I wonder who it is. Could it be the same person who just yesterday left the pile of Tahoe cigarette butts beside the red Mercedes convertible that's parked in the driveway of Unit 234? Is the person who did that the same one who discarded the empty Natural Light beer cans in the driveway and front yard of Unit 234? Please don't let our neighborhood look like the parking lot of a biker bar in Antioch.

- oscar5381
- Respected Neighbor
- Brentwood, TN
- 173 Posts
Tahoe news
This morning there were the butts of 4 Tahoe cigarettes in the front yard area of Unit 234. When Tahoe's come, can empty cans of that $3.99 a six-pack Natural Lite be far behind?

- oscar5381
- Respected Neighbor
- Brentwood, TN
- 173 Posts
Can't do DNA analysis :-(
Early this morning there was yet another discarded Tahoe brand cigarette butt on the ground immediately behind the silver Toyota 4-runner that's parked in the driveway of Unit 234. I inadvertently corrupted the sample when I picked it up, or it would have been submitted to the lab for DNA analysis and to see if a print could lifted. I'm sure that Detective Elliot Stabler in Law & Order wouldn't have made that mistake.

- oscar5381
- Respected Neighbor
- Brentwood, TN
- 173 Posts
Tahoe news for today
This morning, there was a Tahoe cigarette butt on the road that runs between Unit 240 (Green) and Unit 241 (McPeak). There were two Tahoe cigarette butts on the ground beside the red Mercedes convertible
that's parked in the driveway of Unit 234.
Does this mean that we are dealing with two perps who smoke Tahoe?!?!