Heather Place HOA

Waste of Money

Posted in: Amberwood North
  • Stock
  • jnvw
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 6 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor
Hello fellow Amberwood North Residence. I live in the neighborhood and wanted to express something I saw in the recent issue of our 'Neighborhood Newspaper' we get every few months or so.

On the front page are a picture and an article about the new signs that were placed throughout the neighborhood. Apparently our neighborhood is called ''Amberwood North'' There are only a handful of signs up, and hopefully the funds to pay for this didn't come from Grant money from the City.

The second half of the article was about a purposed Monument signs that will be placed at each entrance into this neighborhood.


Let me ask our local Ambassador's or whoever came up with this ridiculous idea
Why are we wasting valuable grant money from the City of Chandler to put up these so called monuments? This is a simple waste of money.

Let me explain:

Does this idea help prevent crime?

Does this idea reduce speeding down the streets?

Does this idea help the neighborhood where people will want to live and raise their families?

The answer to all 3 questions is NO. Nobody cares about these signs. All these signs will attract is graffiti and more upkeep. Upkeep, that deters away from more important issues like crime, speeding, schools, parks. I can guarantee you 1 thing. If you asked every household in Amberwood North about the purposed signs, I can guarantee more than 90% would not care one way or another.

Whoever came up with this idea is out of their mind. This is a waste of money, Period!

I challenge anyone to prove to me why you think the ?‘monument signs?’ will be a good addition to the community.
  • Stock
  • padre
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor
Value of Signs

Thank you for expressing your opinion. The sign project has been under discussion for months. It is too bad that we have been deprived of your insight; however, you ask, ''Does this idea help the neighborhood where people will want to live and raise their families?'' I think it does, because it identifies that we live in a specific neighborhood. These signs are meant to encourage a neighborhood spirit, a pride in living where we do, and, as you so well said, a place ''where people will want to live and raise their families.'' You have probably noticed that a great many neighborhoods already have signs designating their name. Ours is an effort to do likewise.
Also, in the newsletter delivered to your door by your neighbors, it is noted that we meet on the third Tuesday of every month. Too bad you missed last night's meeting, but on November 21st we shall meet again. I look forward to seeing you there.
Waste of Money and Covance

I wholeheartedly agree with you! I would appreciate speed bumps instead of a Mounument Sign/Structure.

Since I am on my soapbox, and I know this isnt a neighborhood issue, Please indulge me.

I am very adamant against Covance moving into Chandler any farther than they have. This company does testings on fragile animals - even Paul McCartney has tried to stop this company from gettin their grips on Chandler.
Value of signs

Hello Don,
Dont berrate a neighbor becasue he/she couldnt attend a meeting or was late with a response. Your response was unfair and frankly quite UNneighborly.
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