
Townhouse Parking Spaces

Posted in: Ridgedale Mews

Ridgedale Mews parking, specifically Greenleaf Road.


We have lived there since Dec 09.  It is a great neighborhood with great value.  However, one main area of contention is parking.  HOA refuses to put #'s on the actual spaces because of vanity.  However, it is "understood" by all residents that the 2 spaces in front of each residence are for the owners of that residence.  They/We are the ones who pay the dues each quarter, who pay the mortgages, who shovel the snow, etc...So, trying to be nice (speaking to the owners of the cars who continunally disrespect this courtesy, as well as leaving notes, etc...), more often finding odd cars in owners spaces.  When the residents that do respect this policy have 2 cars as well as we do....then it is unfair to the actual paying residents when all the spaces are filled by non respecting/paying vehicles.  Police have been called to address the matter (and they will be again if need be).  The whole street/neighborhood is a PRIVATE PARKING area, and if anyone who lives in Ridgedale Mews finds their parking spaces being taken unfailry, call the PRIVATE PARKING signs posted all over, call them, have the car "TOWED AT OWNERS EXPENSE"...every time!!!  Cause if the person who parked in your space is not the person who pays the mortgage/dues for that house they are in front of, they will tow it...everytime.  So, to those who are "visitors"....we welcome you in our neighborhood.  However, if you are a visitor....please park on Ridgely, the outer street, if there is no spot in front of the house you are "visiting".  Please, just respect the people who do pay the mortgages and the dues.  We want a nice friendly neighborhood, help us to keep it that way.  Thank you.

Ridgedale Mews parking, specifically Greenleaf Road.


We have lived there since Dec 09.  It is a great neighborhood with great value.  However, one main area of contention is parking.  HOA refuses to put #'s on the actual spaces because of vanity.  However, it is "understood" by all residents that the 2 spaces in front of each residence are for the owners of that residence.  They/We are the ones who pay the dues each quarter, who pay the mortgages, who shovel the snow, etc...So, trying to be nice (speaking to the owners of the cars who continunally disrespect this courtesy, as well as leaving notes, etc...), more often finding odd cars in owners spaces.  When the residents that do respect this policy have 2 cars as well as we do....then it is unfair to the actual paying residents when all the spaces are filled by non respecting/paying vehicles.  Police have been called to address the matter (and they will be again if need be).  The whole street/neighborhood is a PRIVATE PARKING area, and if anyone who lives in Ridgedale Mews finds their parking spaces being taken unfailry, call the PRIVATE PARKING signs posted all over, call them, have the car "TOWED AT OWNERS EXPENSE"...every time!!!  Cause if the person who parked in your space is not the person who pays the mortgage/dues for that house they are in front of, they will tow it...everytime.  So, to those who are "visitors"....we welcome you in our neighborhood.  However, if you are a visitor....please park on Ridgely, the outer street, if there is no spot in front of the house you are "visiting".  Please, just respect the people who do pay the mortgages and the dues.  We want a nice friendly neighborhood, help us to keep it that way.  Thank you.

Is it a vanity issue or have the other homeowners voted it down?  I know we voted a year or two ago and I voted no (and will continue to).  You see how crazy you get now over unassigned spots.  Can you imagine how people will act if they're assigned because I can tell you from experience it doesn't actually solve the problem (12 years of Multi-Family property managment).  If people are inconsiderate enough to do it without the numbers well, saddly, they're still just as insconsiderate when the spaces are numbered.  You can't legistlate common sense or decent behavior.  And how exactly are you identifying "visitor cars"?  How do you know it isn't a neighbor or other HOA paying resident that came home and couldn't find parking elsewhere?  How is that fair to them?  We've all come home from time to time and found vehicles parked in what we think of as our parking spaces.  I just park across the street in the overflow and walk that very small extra distance to my home.  As you're getting all worked up over it perhaps you should put it into perspective, is that extra twenty yards doing you harm?  It really shouldn't be this big of a deal  We've lived next to a person who reacted the same as you did only instead of towing he'd just double park people in and would give lectures on being a good neighbor but is it really being a good neighbor to have the people towed?  Or double parking someone in?  Or just in general behaving poorly?  I've checked the bylaws and all they stipulate is that if parked correctly there should be enough space for for two vehicles for each house and that overflow should be used for guests identified as the spots between the groups of homes.  I've heard many owners state that they were "guaranteed" the two spots in front of they're house and it just isn't true.  I'm suprised that Baltimore County will tow since there aren't assigned spots but I can tell you that if I was at the receiving end of that I'd have you in small claims court with my Ridgedale Mews handbook.

In my neighborhood we have about 2 or 3 cars with New Jersey plates on them that have been here for months and they are all for one house. They have 5 vehicles. When the school is having a program at night, forget it, we cant park at all, unless you are in your house by noon, then you dont have to worry.

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