Heights of Westover Hills

HOA Meeting Minutes of August 7, 2009

Emergency Meeting of the Homeowners of the Heights

October 2,2009

Meeting is called to order at 6:30pm and is lead by Malcolm Gay, president of HOA.

Malcolm opens meeting by requesting that all present give Malcolm and Hector Carrillo, vice-president of the HOA, 10 minutes to go over what will be presented this evening. After their presentation, everyone will each be given a 2-minute limit to present comments, questions.

Letter was given to everyone in the neighborhood prior to the meeting (handed out personally by Malcolm himself) and you can see how many are here this evening.

Anna from the management company will answer HOA questions as they come up. (Anna raises her hand to show her presence)

Malcolm continues with information that the pool was closed for 1 ½ weeks. On a Friday afternoon, toilets in the restrooms were running wide open. A concerned neighbor turned off the valve.  Malcolm placed a call to the management company on Monday. A plumber was able to come, but since there was no key, left. Service call had to be rescheduled on Tuesday. Plumbing not fixed until the following week. As a result of water being off, made water in the pool low. Pool maintenance guy noticed low water and blocked off the pool to “bomb” the water to bring it back up to proper levels for use by everyone in the neighborhood. The repairs became necessary due to our current extreme dry conditions as this snapped the main water line to the facilities. Now, all is new!

Next, cameras at pool; they were installed after issues with entrance/exit gate, vandalism in the common areas. The installation of cameras had been pushed off because there were questions raised about those at the pool being “spied upon”. All are aware of the pool furniture being trashed and kids coming over the fence to use the pool.  Malcolm lets all in attendance know cameras are now in use. The gate camera is monitored. The camera system for the gate is wireless. Pool cameras are locked in a lockbox in storeroom at pool cabana. This camera runs in a loop of two weeks. The loop can only be viewed when someone goes to the management company and gets the key to the lockbox. Recorded loop can’t be viewed by anyone regularly. Purpose of pool cameras is strictly to record instances of trashing of property at the pool, vandalism and be used in case of incidents at the pool.

A homeowner brings up the question about the board members. It is known that Mark Schlesinger has sold his home on Springhouse. Malcolm lets all know the process for his replacement is to self-nominate and submit their self-nomination to the management company. They will, in turn, take the self-nominations, send to every homeowner. Then come back in a month, sit down to discuss everything and anything about finances, processes, contracts, etc.  Malcolm reminds all present, board membership is not a paid position. What the management does is collect HOA dues, takes contracts, does source selection, manages existing contracts, sends checks for signature to president of Heights at Westover Hills HOA and does pool party scheduling. Now with cameras in place, if pool is trashed, just look at cameras. We can’t pay someone regular to do this task – we’d have no money!

Anna with the management company is given the opportunity to speak about the HOA’s duties. Their job is to take care of violations, if repairs are more than the minimum – they get with the board and board makes decisions for 67 homeowners. Malcolm and Hector don’t want to knock on your door and ask you to pay your dues.

Question is asked as to which position is coming up for election. Malcolm replies it’s a board member position. Board members decide among themselves who will do what duties. This procedure is established in the by-laws.

Bea asks about cameras at pool. She had a party at the pool recently and one of her guests pointed out cameras. She didn’t know anything about the install, can’t inform homeowners cameras were going to be installed but yet you get out a letter to have turn out for this meeting in less than a week.

Nina asks about furniture. New furniture hasn’t been purchased in more than 2 years. Malcolm states we get furniture when Lisa is ready to go to pick out. How much should be spent? Lisa responds there are very nice lounge chairs at BX for $50 each, need 4 minimum. Good patio furniture runs $500-$1,000. Set limit?

Sam states the difficulty with trying to make all happy: Homeowners don’t realize what expenses there are. Drought is causing shift in deck. Have to have priorities.

Motion is made regarding $$ limit to spend on furniture. All in favor of $500 furniture purchase limit? Majority of present in favor, $500 limit to spend on new furniture passes.

Nina states she also has issue with cameras.

Malcolm then announces each person present would be given 2 minutes each. Hector will start.

  • Hector speaks about involvement of neighbors. Subcommittees have same people. Bea, Nina, Lisa do the Halloween evening, lots of opportunity there. Interested? Don’t wait to be asked – jump in!
  • After Hector, a couple introduces themselves as Bill and Joy Wood. They aren’t homeowners but renters. Even as renters, they appreciate our neighborhood and understand our situation. Texas doesn’t have laws to our HOA set money aside. We all have concerns regarding maintenance, lowers home values. Install of cameras is a way to protect our assets. Closes turn with saying they appreciate all the HOA does.
  • Next is Larry. He is for cameras, it is money well-spent. Cameras help with liability at pool; cameras are a plus, it serves a need. As to the neighborhood, we need to prioritize. We need more than 2 individuals to do all that needs to be done. Need a team effort. Any president can have at-large members while the president only has to approve funds, appoint and support.
  • Next is Ron who is in support of cameras. They were discussed and decided on 2 meetings back. Only comment is that signs could have been posted.
  • Next neighbor only states she is all for cameras and give “Kudos” to the board for all they do.
  • Next neighbor states that when cars are broken into, all need to know. He is all for cameras, we need to take ownership. He comments that elections seem to be vague, all the homeowners need to vote. That way, the neighborhood as a whole can vote out the ones we don’t want.
  • Jackie is in favor of cameras. She lets everyone know she lives at the entrance to the Heights. Since install of cameras, she wakes less at night. She also noticed at other pools she’s visited, cameras are a great deterrent.
  • Next neighbor states that there seems to be a disconnect in communication. In order to help with this item, volunteers to do a newsletter.
  • Next is David who is in favor of camera. His home backs up to the tennis courts and he has seen the results of vandalism. He comments that all of us need to take care of our children. He also notes that the pool needs regular pickup of trash. He volunteers to come over on Mondays.
  • Malcolm interjects on the trash. We don’t have SAWS pickup but if someone would be willing to get an extra trashcan, HOA will reimburse the cost for trashcan and the monthly charge.
  • Next neighbor is all for cameras. Run-ins to gate have gone way down and appreciates having them at the pool.
  • Next neighbor asks about greenbelt. Malcolm lets them know the greenbelt cutting is on contract. It is being revisited to be done quarterly.
  • Next neighbor agrees we all need communication. Maybe one side of our neighborhood has more “protection”. We also need more participation.
  • Next neighbor thinks we need a newsletter. Malcolm reminds everyone we just hired  our newsletter writer (Smiles all around)
  • Next neighbor states they live at the top of Springhouse Drive and need information about the HOA on the other side of the fence. What are our options to deal with the home owners? Malcolm informs him that the issue with the barking dog, call the police. We even have the SAPD email address for barking dogs complaints. Neighbor then asks about the lock on the gate. School will be starting soon and he is wondering who keeps changing the lock. Malcolm directs him to Erica, our “GateMaster”.
  • Next neighbor moved out some time ago but is willing to assist the board members. May be moving back, depending on the economy. As to camera, all for them. With installation, able to watch furniture.
  • Next neighbor is happy to be a member of our HOA and appreciates the volunteerism. All should be involved, look around. This was demonstrated for her personally when a suspicious driver was seen cruising the neighborhood and board members took quick action.
  • Next neighbor knows people who can come out to do bathrooms for 4-5 months. Malcolm asks her to get a summertime contract written by the vendor and Malcolm will give to the management company. Next question is when is vote for 3 positions? Malcolm responds by letting her know it is only one member at a time once a year. So that everyone will know, the information can be put in the newsletter and our quarterly meeting contact person will announce the next meeting. Ana from the management company lets everyone know they can come over to the office; call beforehand so the staff can have prepared and waiting any documents the visitors wish to go over. A member of management will gladly sit with the visitor. Malcolm states if 66% of home owners vote, he will step down.
  • Next neighbor likes the annual Halloween party. Gives home owners the opportunity to get together. Malcolm states that he and Hector always support parties and provide funds for expenses. Both put out the invitation that whoever wants to be on the Party Committee, their efforts are welcomed!
  • Next neighbor is all for cameras. Question is asked if someone is drowning, will someone come? Malcolm replies the no one is viewing the camera information. Haven’t got the key, have to go to the management company. If Lifeguards are needed, that is an expense.
  • Next neighbor asks about a playground. If this request is to be readdressed, it needs to be on a list of priorities. For the next ballot, one of the things that will be on the form is for everyone to list their top (3) priorities for the neighborhood. It takes at the very least $10,000 to set up a playground. Association only has $36,000 in the bank.
  • Next neighbor asks if the streets belong to the home owners. Malcolm replies “Yes”; as they are private, they are our concern for maintenance and repair. We should be saving  $10,000 per year to set aside for street upkeep.
  • Next neighbor asks about tying down the furniture, reply is that was tried and it was unsuccessful.
  • Question is asked, “What kind of playground?” Malcolm replies all should go to Creekside and visit. Previous research has been done on material, cost, maintenance, etc. One homeowner speaks that 20’ x 30’ area will run approximately $100,000. Our discussion was for around $10,000. Hector adds that a commercial grade playground is expensive, not to mention the insurance and liability such a project will require
  • Malcolm adds that when the ballots are sent out for the open board position, one of the questions included will be for every homeowner to give their top three priorities and the Association will add up the priorities. These priorities will be presented to all the homeowners and we will need a majority vote on which ones to proceed.
  • Question is asked about the possibility of roving security. Hector responds by saying he spoke with the Culebra substation. Texas Night Out is October 9th. The neighborhood recently had 12 cars broken into. The strange thing about this incident is the same evening there was a big party going on. It is believed the two events may be connected. Security is a regular concern for any neighborhood. One neighbor suggests a neighborhood patrol on a volunteer basis. The training for a neighborhood watch takes only one evening. Another neighbor thinks this is a good idea!
  • Next neighbor likes the cameras. They have seen on many previous occasions of diving into the pool and rowdy behavior meanwhile the parents just watch. Gives their appreciation to the board for all the hard work they do.
  • Next neighbor also likes the cameras, her #1 concern is security. Only other comment she would like to make is if you have a dog and are walking with it thru the neighborhood, please make sure the dog is on a leash and by all means clean up after it! This particular neighbor doesn’t even own a dog but on a number of occasions has had to clean her front yard, not appreciated!
  • Question is asked if rentals that come available in the neighborhood will be allowed Section 8? Our homes are private and Section 8 hasn’t been addressed. We have CCR’s in place and if necessary, Malcolm will be more than willing to be the one to get onto anyone who doesn’t abide by our CCR’s.
  • Our next neighbor works at Lackland and states this Fall there will be 3,000 more personnel coming to the area. If anyone has a home available for sale or rental….
  • Next neighbor states her priority is communication be a newsletter, whatever. Be on the same page as your neighbors because we all want our home values to stay high. Don’t call Malcolm or the management company, get to know your neighbors! Depending on where you live, your best security is your neighbor.
  • Next neighbor has lived here 17 months, military, may stay, likes the neighborhood. We need more meetings to start. Write down a list of items for discussion in order to have a more organized meeting form. We can’t have Ft. Knox but we can handle ourselves and agrees that we need to toughen up with the roaming dogs in the neighborhood.
  • Next neighbor agrees with comment made about roaming dogs. Does our neighborhood abide by the leash law? How many times has this issue been addressed, yet the situation still exists.  Homeowner’s son had a truck parked in the pool parking lot and received a nasty letter, but this dog still runs free of a leash. Seems there was a party recently and the particular owner’s dog ran to the backyard where there were youngsters and guests. Malcolm lets her know it will be readdressed and the offender will be put on notice.
  • Comment is made about tennis courts and it is asked if a note can be put in the newsletter about use of the courts be kept to a reasonable time. Question is also asked about the greenbelt. Malcolm states a deposit has been put down for bushhog and maintenance of greenbelt area is to be done quarterly.
  • Next comment is that communication is key among all neighbors. Only question is about trash cans at the pool. Malcolm reminds everyone that if a homeowner is willing to step up for an extra can, HOA will reimburse them the cost.
  • Final comment made is that we are one of the few people who have lived in this neighborhood since it was built. As a neighbor, we fought hard to get the pool built and to see damages hurts. I have witnessed some young men put tables into the pool so they could jump into the pool. Another time I reprimanded another young man for breaking the gate to get into the pool and one other young man for lighting firecrackers next to the pavilion during our recent drought. We should all learn to appreciate Mr. Gay for trying to find out who’s doing the vandalism. We feel what is the use of fixing things when they will be destroyed again?

Everyone present has gotten their opportunity to voice questions and comments. Lots of topics discussed and hopefully some questions answered. Malcolm lets everyone know that notes have been taken of this evening’s meeting and he thanks everyone for attending. In parting, he states, “Let’s work together, we have a great neighborhood.” Hector steps forward and also thanks all for attending. He asks each one to encourage those neighbors that weren’t able to attend this evening to get involved because our attendance is power. By all of us working together, we can keep vandalism down and continue to keep our neighborhood safe for all.

Again, thanks to everyone!

Meeting is called to a close at 8:10pm.

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