Labor Day Pool Party A Swinging Time
The Summer Sunset Party has once again come and gone, retiring one season in Heritage Village and ushering in another....with quite the bang I might add. On the evening of Sunday September 5th, partygoers ate, drank and danced to the swing-band tunes of ?“The Windjammers?” at the upper pool. The band, which included HV?’s very own Carol Galloway, played until after 10pm to the delight of the approx. 200 neighbors in attendance. Colorado Catering provided the main course which was enhanced with keg beer, wine, champagne and soft drinks. The neighbors did a great job of supplementing the spread with a variety of hors d?’oeuvres, side dishes and desserts. Romantic carriage rides were available to all adults present. Our weather could not have been more perfect.... it was a true celebration of the Colorado lifestyle that we?’ve all come to cherish here in our little corner of the world! Kudos go out to my Social Committee co-chair Bill Blatnik for all his efforts, as well as to all the good friends and neighbors who always seem to gather around to set up and take down. (You know who you are!) HV resident Dee Ann Torres went out of her way to provide a beautiful assortment of candles and special lighting for the event. Special thanks as well to Barry Covert who ?‘sat in?’ on bass guitar with the band at the last minute!! Great licks Barr.... ! If you are a new homeowner and have never attended our Sunset Party, it?’s a terrific way to meet new neighbors and enjoy perhaps the best community event of the year. Did I say the best? Don?’t miss our annual HV Cup-Of-Cheer party during the holiday season this December. The event will be hosted at two different homes, date and locations to be announced.
Have a great fall.....ya'll.
Dave Smart