Heritage Village

Board Of Directors are charging triple Interest on Special Assessment to the mem

Posted in: Highline Meadows Fellows
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Subject: Board Of Directors are charging triple Interest on Special Assessment to the members of this association-See attached

Board of Directors,
Who is fooling who?  I can add and can see clearly that you are charging me triple interest on this 2011 special assessment.  This is proof That you people don't keep correct accounting procedures and methods and have lied to this community.
At what point is the Board of Directors going to get to the bottom of how they handle this associations finances?
The special Assessment plainly said that the interest was included in the 60 month payment amount then why are you charging me a separate amount that is is double and changing each month?
You folks should be ashamed of your accounting practices as you take the owners of this community to the cleaners!


Lets face it that Denise and TMMC run the show and we don't have any say in the matter. This hiding of moneys and unscrupulous accounting methods is exactly what they want.  They don't want us to know anything about how the money is really being used or funneled off somewhere.
The condition of the complex over the last ten years is proof enough of mismanagement by TMMC and use of our monies.   When was the last time they even attempted to cut any cost?   There budget is so inflated with categories each year, when Denise writes the budget,  she turns  on the switch in January, and the funds are deducted monthly even if the work has not been done.
It's quite the racket this association and TMMC have been promoting for these past 12 years while this place falls apart.   To make matters worst they keep asking for more and more money.  So much more that now my mortgage almost matches the condo dues and assessments in place.   For a one bedroom condo that is worth
30 K,  I am paying almost $3,500 dollars per year,  just for the privilege of have TMMC and Denise run the show.
Thanks to the Board of Directors at Highline Meadows for allowing Densie and TMMC to get rich at our expense!
That's a lot of money for a one bedroom in homeowner dues each year. For what? Think about what we are paying....Are we getting our monies worth for the betterment of this community?
From a poor sheep member with wool over his eyes being taken to the cleaners with no recourse

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  • Centennial, co
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How much maoney have they made on the interest that they are not tracking or documenting in the Financials. These monies over the last four years could amount to several hudreds of thousands of dollars.


I Say they are cooking the books,  HOAFRAUD,  its is very clear that the numbers are fudged each year as they avoiid giving the community the correct information and most likely funnel the money off to an off shore account or fill there matteress with the cash.

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