In order to purchase your house you probably had to borrow money from lending institution (bank, mortgage company, etc). When you signed the load documents you agreed that in the event you cannot make your...
Reverse mortgages can offer extra cash for seniors, but there are drawbacks. Learn what you should take into consideration before taking out a reverse mortgage.
Seniors are feeling just as cash-strapped as...
FHA loans are the easiest type of real estate mortgage loan to qualify for. The FHA guidelines for loan qualification are the most flexible of all mortgage loans and require less than 5% down payment.
Reverse mortgages are a way for seniors to get cash from their homes without having to sell them and move, or borrow against them and make monthly loan repayments. They are a great way for homeowners who are...
What is loan modification? How is it different than refinancing a mortgage and what does it take to qualify for a lenders loan modification program.
What is loan modification?
President Obama recently...
There are two possible scenarios when considering an FHA refinance. Both of these scenarios are based on what kind of current loan you are trying to refinance.
FHA Refinance First Step
The first step in...
Selling your home on your own can save you thousands of dollars in commissions, but you have to be willing to put in the extra effort. Learn how to go through the “for sale by owner”...