High Country Neighborhood with over 900 homes is the largest neighborhood in Carrollton. The Neighborhood Association is struggling to find ways to be relevant to such number of families spread out over such a large area. Many residents who live off Hebron Parkway find nothing in common with homeowners who use Josey or Rosemeade as their primary access streets.
Therefore, the High Country Neighborhood Assn. will be subdivided to represent homeowners in more cohesive street clusters. A more concentrated association should be more effective at
- increasing the involvement of homeowners,
- fostering a sense of community, and
- promoting beautification of common areas
If you would like to have an opportunity to discuss the proposed subdivision, please attend the next meeting of the larger Association at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 7th at the library, Josey at Hebron, or call Ron Ogan, President, at (972) 492-2656