Highland Park Neighborhood Association

September 2003 edition in full

Aug 25, 2003

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Highland Park History Project

Saturday, September 13
Saturday, October 11

10 a.m. monthly general membership meeting
James Bode Community Center, 900 Rigsby Avenue

Bring written questions about what YOU would like to know about the history of Highland Park! Bring your friends! And volunteer!



Mulch from 8:30 a.m. ?‘till whenever you want!
Bring your wheelbarrow, shovel, plenty of water and food to share?—or just share some of ours! We?’ll celebrate the new picnic table!
Highland Park Xeriscape Garden
900 Rigsby Avenue

Five of VIA?’s 800 bus shelters are within our neighborhood association boundaries. VIA removes the garbage from the cans at these shelters weekly, and has implemented a program to respond more promptly to vandalism.
The Adopt-a-Shelter program will be discussed during the Board of Directors meeting Saturday, September 13, at 9 a.m. in the Bode Center.
What are the Benefits of Adopting a Shelter?
The Adopt-A-Bus-Shelter participants contribute to keeping our community and environment cleaner and safer, benefiting everyone in the community.
In appreciation of the organization's participation:
?• a plaque recognizing the organization will be placed on the shelter.
?• the organizations will have an opportunity to receive recognition in VIA's Rider Reader, web site, and other media materials.
What are the Responsibilities of Adopting a Shelter?
Being a participant is an easy process. Upon signing up as a participant, the organization or business will be asked to:
?• assist in the removal of debris (at least once per week) between VIA scheduled cleanings.
?• report the need for repairs or graffiti removal.
?• report the need for security.

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Beat the President!
Sign up more members than her and win the grand prize!
In the first two months of the membership contest, HPNA President Rachel Cywinski won the prize for signing up the most new members both months, with a total of nine.
There?’s still time to win the grand prize! Sign up more than ten new members in August and you?’ll be eligible for both the monthly and grand prize! Can?’t sign up 10? Well, sign up as many as you can and have a chance to win the prize for August. Plus, you?’ll give your friends a membership in something that affects them where they live! What a gift! Send new memberships (you pay OR they pay) before September 30 to qualify!

Highland Park Neighborhood Association membership application/renewal form
Please send completed forms to: HPNA Treasurer Bertha Saucedo PO Box 10210 San Antonio TX 78210-0210


Mailing address:_________________________________________________________________________

zip code:____________________ E-mail:

Telephone(s):__________________day ______________________night _________________________mobile

Please check your newsletter preference: ____mail and e-mail ____mail only _____e-mail only
Note: There is no change in membership dues based on manner in which newsletter is received.

Type of membership:
_____Family Household $ 5 enclosed
_____Individual $ 3 enclosed
_____Business $ 25 enclosed
_____Business advertiser $150 enclosed + camera-ready business card size ad [Please see guidelines for business membership at www.neighborhoodlink.com/sat/hparkna] with receipt of ad by e-mail preferred.

Please check any of these active projects in which you are interested to volunteer:
______Xeriscape Committee
______Cellular on Patrol
______Code Compliance Team
______National Night Out
______Highland Park Spring Festival
______Semiannual Cleanups/Dial-a-Trailer
______Holiday Decorations Contest
______December Holiday Celebration
______Door Prizes
______Photography or Research and compilation of the history of Highland Park
______Adopting the Xeriscape Garden one month per year on a permanent basis

It?’s that time: RENEWAL TIME!
Current members (Dues expire October 1 of indicated year):
Tommy Adkisson 2003
Melvin Alvarez 2003
Vera Banner 2003
Col. Donald Betz 2003
Margaret & Roland Brown 2005
Yvonne Cadena 2004
Mark Carmona & Liz Valdivia 2003
Julia Chatwell 2004
Rick Cockerham 2003
Diane Cortez 2007
Mr. & Mrs. Willis Cresswell 2003
Rachel Cywinski 2035
Madeline & Louis De La O 2003
Ann Dickey and Bobby Crabb 2003
Catherine W. Dean 2003
James Donahue 2003
Helen Dutmer 2006
Marceline Ealy 2003
Jack Elder 2003
Sonia Yvonne Escobedo 2003
David Espinoza 2003
Charles Farrell 2003
Mr. & Mrs. William Gisler 2006
Lou Gloria 2003
W. E. & Bettye Griffin 2004
Dennis & Susan Guadarrama 2003
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Guadarrama 04
Cecilia Guajardo 2003
Roland Gutierrez 2005
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett R. Hall III 2003
Faye S. Hild 2003
Vern Hophan 2003
Rev. Roger Hotopp 2003
Adolph Hummel 2003
Barbara Isner 2004
Rev. Eric Kauska 2003
Lydia Kersey &CharlesGrabauskas 04
Ursula Koltermann 2003
Milan Lalick 2003
Frank Lange 2003
Al & Estelle Lindsey 2003
Loyd LeBlanc 2003
Reba Malone 2003
Virginia Marin 2003
Valerie Mendieta 2003
Stacey Merkt 2004
Andy Mireles 2004
Rob & Lodie Mueller 2004
Darlene Noland 2003
Harry Oliver 2003
Jose & Maria Pena 2003
Rita Pena 2003
John Purnell 2004
Philip Raue 2003
Greg & Noralyn Ripps 2003
Hiram & Helen Rivera 2003
Jerome Roberts 2004
Lydia Romo 2004
Mrs. Cooper Rutledge 2003
Ramon Quintero 2003
Emanuel Salaiz 2003
Patrick Sandoval 2004
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Saucedo 2004
Rose Scheel 2004
John & Florence Scherer 2004
Ron Segovia 2003
Gaynell Smith 2003
Lillie H. Smith 2004
Margaret Szafranski 2003
Paul Tarrillion 2003
Jose & Agnes Valdivia 2003
Toni Villarreal 2003
Rick Walters 2004
Margaret Wilson 2003
Nelson Wolff 2003
James Worswick 2005
Beatrice Zigmond, Kathy Zigmond03

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Every time you visit one of our wonderful business sponsors, please tell them how much you appreciate their support of your community and the Highland Park Neighborhood Association!

Brown's Mexican Food
(210) 533-8174
2405 South Hackberry Street
San Antonio, Texas 78210

Highland's Cafe
(210) 533-4700
2314 Steves Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78210

La Madeleine French Bakery & Cafe
(210) 829-7279
4820 Broadway
San Antonio, Texas 78209

Little Red Barn Steak House
(210) 532-4235
1902 South Hackberry Street
San Antonio, Texas 78210

Subway #18286
(210) 531-0320
2927 East Southcross
San Antonio, Texas 78223

Wallace Cook Agency, Inc.
(210) 534-9293
3902 Clark Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78223

South East Community Credit Union
(210) 534-7221
123 Waleetka
San Antonio, Texas 78210

Michael's Child Care
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Saucedo
(210) 533-3939
645 Kayton Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78210

San Antonio Fighting Back
(210) 271-7232
2803 East Commerce Street
San Antonio, Texas 78203

Neighborhood Resource Center
(210) 735-0586
P. O. Box 120246
San Antonio, Texas 78212-0586

page 4
McCreless Library forms book clubs
The evening book club will meet at 7:00 p.m. the second Monday of each month, beginning September 8 (Rain of Gold by Victor Villaseňor). Coordinator will be Branch Manager Melva Ramirez.
The weekday book club will meet at 2:30 p.m. the second Thursday of each month, beginning September 11 (Tender at the Bone by Ruth Riechl). Coordinator will be Librarian Jamie Flowers.
McCreless Branch Library
1023 Ada Street
(210) 532-4254

Upcoming association meetings:
September 13
October 11
November 8
December 13

Meet a neighbor: Stacey Merkt
You may not see Stacey at every meeting, as she says, ?“Meetings just aren?’t my thing, but I?’m always willing to help when needed.?” Indeed, Stacey has already carted just about as much mulch as anyone else in the Highland Park Xeriscape Garden, and began recruiting several other volunteers by her second visit.
Stacey at one time worked with refugees from El Salvador, and there met several other persons who have since moved to San Antonio and chosen to live near each other in Highland Park.
Stacey and her family are active in the Mennonite Church and until this year were active in homeschooling. With their children now attending high school, the Merkt family is still just as busy and active in developing community as ever!
We?’re pleased to meet you, Stacey Merkt!

2003 Highland Park Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
President Rachel Cywinski HighlandParkNA@satx.rr.com
Vice President Madeline DeLaO mdelao2001@yahoo.com
Secretary Loyd Le Blanc loydleblanc@yahoo.com
Treasurer Bertha Saucedo 533-3939

Directors: Al Lindsey, Diane Cortez, Eric Kauska, Lydia Romo, Rita Pe?±a

Newsletter and Website Editor: Rachel Cywinski

To volunteer:
Code Compliance Patrick cyeoman@stic.net
Cellular on Patrol Rachel HighlandParkNA@satx.rr.com
Door Prizes Lydia 534-7386
Refreshments Rita 534-3135
History Project Rachel HighlandParkNA@satx.rr.com

For comprehensive and updated community calendar, please visit our website:

Highland Park Neighborhood Association
PO Box 10210
San Antonio TX 78210-0210

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