Highland Vista/Cinco Via

Newsletter Items 9-27

Oct 03, 2001

(for months of October and November)

Light Rail Transit
Summary of Tucsonans for Sensible Transportation

The Tucsonans for Sensible Transportation (TST) is a grass-roots organization made up of citizens within the community who were compelled to initiate a community wide awareness of the transportation crisis that Tucson is careening towards if viable transportation alternatives other than autos and roadways are not considered and implemented now. TST has a five-point platform and plan to improve the regional transit system that includes:

? Expansion of the Sun Tran Bus fleet to 260 vehicles
? Expansion of the Van Tran fleet
? Design and implement ?“Bus Rapid Transit?” lanes to the northwest valley, Rita Ranch and Tanque Verde areas.
? Design and construct a flagship 13-mile light rail starter line that would connect the airport, downtown, U of A, and the eastern suburbs. The route of this starter line would run from 6th Ave to 6th Street, south along Campbell to Broadway and then east along Broadway to the Pantano Wash.
? Implement a Commuter Rail service between Marana, south to the Raytheon facility. This line would also connect downtown Tucson and the airport utilizing existing rail tracks.

The total system would cost $455 million dollars over twenty years, or $23 million a year with federal assistance.

In order for the Tucson region to receive Federal financial assistance, the region must have a local dedicated funding source for transportation. If a local dedicated source is implemented, then the Federal government could pay 60% of the costs of the system.

The group has also compiled various funding mechanisms to build this system. The funding varies from a ?½ cent sales tax, to a combination of utility fees, payroll taxes and gasoline taxes as well as development impact fees. Any combination of funding sources could be utilized, or a single funding source could be tapped to serve a s the local dedicated funding mechanism.

Currently, TST volunteers are canvassing the community making presentations to neighborhood associations, community groups and have presented their plan to Mayor Walkup, City Manager James Keene, and to University of Arizona President Peter Likins. City Councilman Fred Ronstadt has allowed the group to hold an evening dedicated to the topic at one of his town meetings. The Sewell neighborhood had a presentation to made by TST at their neighborhood association meeting on September 25.

For more information, visit their website at www.TucsonLightRail.org.

Pima County Environmental Quality?’s Clean Air Program
Saturday, October 20, 9:00am - 1:00 pm at the southwest parking lot of El Con Mall. About 70% of Tucson?’s air pollution comes from using motor vehicles. Bring your car and get FREE safety, under-the-hood, tires, and emissions inspections. Call Pima County Environmental Quality?’s Clean Air Program at 740-3118 or www.deq.co.pima.az.us for more information.

Help Schools
Would you like to reduce your tax liability and help public or private schools at the same time? Arizona tax credit law, ARS 43-1089 and ARS 43-1089.01, allows state taxpayers to make cash donations up to $200 for public schools and $500 for private schools of their choice. Your contributions may earn dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your Arizona income tax. If you would like further information about this tax credit, contact the school of your choice, or call Arizona Department of Revenue 1-800-352-4090, or visit the website at www.revenue.state.az.us

Beginning this month, the newsletter will be mailed every other month. The next newsletter will be out in December. If anyone wishes to receive neighborhood news and information updates on a more frequent basis via e-mail, please contact Darin Frazier at FrazierDarin@msn.com or Debbie Rule at desert_tiger@msn.com

Labor Day
Hope you were able to make it to the end of summer Labor Day party. Perhaps you saw some of those who participated in the Highland Vista festivities on Channel 13 News that evening explaining what Labor Day means to them. Many thanks to those who donated chairs; it is greatly appreciated. Thanks also to those who donated their time preparing food to share, and to the masters of the grill!

Swim Team
At the meeting on Aug 27th, new committee positions were approved. Joni Stauch and Shawnna Wolaver will co-chair Swim Team committee for next season. Many thanks to out-going chair Darin Frazier and out-going treasurer Randy Keyes for all their hard work over the past two years. The committee will be working during the off-season to prepare for next year. If you are interested in Swim Team, or are interested in serving on the committee, contact Shawnna Wolaver (319-8401) or Joni Stauch (323-8607).

Teen Advisory Group
The Teen Advisory Group (teens in the 6th-8th grade) will be meeting soon to plan a social event. One idea is to host a Halloween costume party. If you are a teen in Middle School and would like to be included in the planning of fun teen events in the neighborhood, please call Kathie Merrick at 745-3769 to get on the roster. All neighborhood teens are encouraged to participate in the planning and in the events. Any adults, who would like to help, please call Kathie, too.

Social Committee
The Social Committee is planning the second annual Chili Cook-off on November 17th at the pool. Bring your favorite chili with recipes to share. Whose chili is the hottest? The meatiest? Most flavorful? In keeping with the spirit of the season, the Committee is asking for donations to the Community Food Bank. Highland Vista is full of warm-hearted people!

Speaking of warm hearts, Highland Vista will participate in Reid Park Zoo?’s Festival of Lights (December 2 - 16). All families in the neighborhood are invited to participate. The theme of our tree is ?“Home is where the heart is?”, and we ask families to create hand-made house-shaped ornaments. Put your family name on it. Ornaments must not contain metal or glass and must be weather resistant. Suggested materials include foam cut-outs, dried kite string and sugar water, or baked cinnamon ad apple sauce. Use your imagination! Tree decorating days are November 28th and 29th.

We will meet before the actual tree decorating dates to make or bring ornaments. Details will be posted on website community calendar, or contact Bobbi Munguia at 318-4887 for more information.

Pool and Grounds Committee
The Pool and Grounds Committee will be doing maintenance and upkeep of the pool and grounds during the off-season. We are in need of those who are willing to do carpentry, painting, mowing, hedge trimming, etc. Ideas for improvement? Willing to lend a hand? Contact Debbie Rule (747-2471). We will be planning meetings and work days, and we need you on our phone list.

Party Schedules
To schedule parties of 10 or more, call Leslie Robinson at 748-2316 to ensure that adequate numbers of lifeguards are on duty to maintain safety.

Next Neighborhood Meetings
Thursday, October 18th, and Thursday, November 15th, 7:00 PM in the library of Duffy Elementary School. Meetings are open to all, and all are welcome to attend. Meetings are the third Thursday of the month.

Newsletter deadline
Deadline for submitting items for publication in the next newsletter is November 15th. The next newsletter will be out in December!

Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Highland Vista-Cinco Via Board of Directors will be held on December 2nd, 2001, 3:00 PM at the pool. Mark your calendar and plan to attend. Executive officers are elected in January 2002. All offices are up for election.

Phone Numbers
Pool: 745-2461
Graffiti Abatement: 624-7833
Officer Mark Evanoff: 791-5303, ext. 2324
Highland Vista Cinco Via Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
Steve Abernathy 571-0297
Marjorie Becklund 748-7120
Darin Frazier 790-5117
Randy Keyes 748-9339
Teresa McEwen 519-8009
Alan Olsen 790-8005
Susan Preble 790-3180
Leslie Robinson 748-2316
Debbie Rule 747-2471
Ron Smith 745-2864
Joni Stauch 323-8607
Bob Vandenplas 745-1356
Jim Walcutt 745-1532
Ken Walter 321-0713
Charles Washburn 745-1551

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