• A group of people who identify with a common area, who share common goals and concerns, and who meet the standards for neighborhood recognition. Recognized organizations represent the position of the organizations or the board of directors and provide direction to the City on issues affecting neighborhoods.
• Discussion started about forming a neighborhood association at the last block party in July 2005.
• First informational/planning meeting was held October 8, 2005. Decision was made to proceed with establishing a neighborhood association. Attendees signed-in and those interested volunteered for board positions. 28 people attended the inaugural meeting.
• The board members constructed Neighborhood Bylaws in October and November 2005.
• A neighborhood recognition form was submitted to the City of Des Moines in December 2005.
• Hillsboro neighborhood association was officially recognized on January 23, 2006 by the City of Des Moines. Mayor Frank Cownie and fourth ward councilman Archie Brooks presented us with a certificate and pins.
NOTE: Please refer to the Hillsboro Bylaws for more details surrounding boundaries, membership, and meetings.
• Four committees have been identified as “must haves”.
• Social/Activities – this committee will serve as the group to schedule and create activities. Examples include neighborhood block parties, garage sales, City of DSM Spring Clean-up events, etc.
• Neighborhood Awareness/Safety – this committee will serve as the group to work with city leaders to obtain proper signage (i.e. Stop signs, Kids at Play, Neighborhood Watch, etc.) where/when necessary and to help address safety concerns within the neighborhood.
• Fundraising – the function of this committee is to determine ways to raise money to support neighborhood activities and assist with funding social events, beautification, etc.
• Beautification – committee will serve as the group to keep our neighborhood clean and aesthetically pleasing. This could include planting flowers/plants in the roundabout area, maintaining the Hillsboro placard by the main entrance, and performing maintenance on vacant lots/houses.
If anyone has any interest in participating or assisting with any of these committees, please contact the Sub-Committee chair person.
Issues and Concerns
• Vandalism/Car thefts – there was a rash of vandalism and car thefts during the months of June and July. On one particular evening in July, multiple cars were broken in to and items were taken. (the suspect was apprehended by police on this evening) On separate occasions, car windows have been broken out. One neighbor has had this happen to his truck three times.
• Residential Development on North side of Pine Road – concern was raised regarding the type of structure(s) that were going to be built. Rumors have circulated that these may be low income housing (apartments) or condos and not single family residences. Three Lakes neighborhood association is fighting the construction implying it will decrease the value of their properties if anything but single family residences are constructed.
• Neighborhood Watch – as a result of the above vandalism and thefts, two residents agreed to research the idea of starting a neighborhood watch. If you would like to participate or have any insight regarding this initiative, please contact Brent Freese 953-0988 (home) or 210-0742 (cell) or Les Vaughn.