Hillsdale Association

Illegally parked cars

Posted in: Cully
Why is it there are so many cars & trucks parked on the sreets and in driveways that are not legally licensed, some areas look (and smell)like a junkyard. So much for the 2006 CULLY NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN UP. Most cities have a law against this.
Take action on illegal Parking;

Cars that have been abandoned or illegally parked on City of Portland streets will be removed by the city, but you have to report them to the city. A car with expired plates or a car that is disabled (flat tire, excessive body damage, full of garbage)will be removed after you make a report. First, call parking enforcement to have a ticket placed on the car in question (503-823-6544). These tickets will discourge someone from doing this again. The next step is to call the abandoned auto hotline (503-823-7309) to have the car removed. An inspector from the city will come by to verify that the car is an abandoned auto and take the steps to have it removed. Be Patient; this process does take time. The owner of this car may move the car to a different location after the inspector places a sticker on the windshield as a warning that it is going to be towed. Just call the abandoned auto hotline again to let the inspector know where the car has been moved to so that it still will be towed. Be persistent; help make your neighborhood a safer and more attractive place. You may want to carry a notepad or microcassette recorder with you in your car to record this information. Zoning violations on a neighbor's yard can be handled the same way; call Code Compliance at 503-823-7305. All of these reports will require your name, but this will be kept confidential. Our neighborhood association should have this information in a prominant place on their wetsite; but it appears not to be important to them. I am so fed up with the crime, trash, illegal businesses at homes in which people make excessive noise, abandoned auto and so forth, that I will be moving out of the neightborhood as soon as I can sell my house. I believe that I have been an asset to the neightborhood by always reporting crime, comfronting suspicous people, cleaning up everyones trash in the street (needles, condoms, fastfood wrappers, etc.) After I move out of this area, all of you that complain, yet to not participate in the process of making Cully a better place to live can just suffer in the filth, garbage, and apathy this is representative of this stinking hovel!
Mason Street

There are like 4-5 abandoned autos on the front end of Mason at 57th and then from there down as I drive to my house at least 7-8 more. I have called on every one of them. I will keep calling at this point daily until they are towed or moved! Also, to the jerks who keep dumping trash at the corner of Mason and 57th in the vacant lot, use garbage service! I am sick of looking at your couches and Christmas trees and yard debris bags! What is this area a 3rd world country?
Abandoned junk vehicles

We keep calling on what I believe to be the same abandoned automobiles (I use the term loosely) a green truck (with hand prints on it) a little black hatchback and a big blue truck. Nothing yet but if we all keep calling maybe they will go away.

By Grant & Carrie Compton
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