Hi everyone!
I am looking at 122 S Terrace Avenue.
It is or was currently a church, but it is closed and is for sale.
As I look at the once beautiful structure, I keep thinking it may have originally been a corner store/market with perhaps an apartment upstairs.
It jas a grand porch on the second floor.
At first I thought it once had one on the first floor, and it had been closed in, but the more I look at it, I am not conviced it was ever a porch but rather a set of store windows maybe???.
If anyone may have lived in the area long ago, it was originally built in the early 1900's, I would really like to know.
As I said, it was turned into a church a number of years ago, and before that, who knows.
It has a flat roof, which also makes me think it was not a regular house or a duplex.
The brick work is so unusual, it doesn't look like a house facad.
I would really appreciate any information you could give me.
Mike M