Hillview Estates

Wandering Youth at Night

Posted in: Merrill Park
It has been noticed by myself and other neighbors who work all shifts that we have a lot of wandering youth way after curfew. Some have been seen carrying baseball bats, no balls. 99% young guys, some look 11 or 12 years old and some are older into young adults.
Thse don't appear to be youth from the neighborhood. In fact just after dark you can see them come down in very small groups and head into the Valley Park.
Has anyone else noted this?
Any update on specific activity at the Valley Park?
How has the Park activity been?

By Clybourn Charlie
Our kids notice

Our kids have noticed these groups of kids going into the Park.
Our kids usually see them when the have to come in when it gets dark out.
Sometimes they say stuff to try and intimidate our kids and the neighbors kids.

By 41st Street Mom
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