His Church

Pets, Noise, Trash, etc.

Posted in: Hickory Hills

Really, that’s what you think? A dog that barks all night long while “people are trying to sleep” does it protect his property? Haha, so just how many burglars do they have trying to break into the yard? 30 every night? Let me school ya’ on what’s really going on here. Dogs bark all night long because they are UPSET about being locked out of the house! They believe they’re part of the family and don’t understand why the family’s inside warm and cozy while they’re thrown outside. Did you know that humans need to sleep? They have to get up in the morning and WORK, pay rent, pay mortgages, drive kids to school, concentrate at work and earn a living! Sleep deprivation causes car crashes, mental stress and depression. There’s nothing wrong with putting dogs inside the garage, laundry room, mud room, and so forth. Those who allow their dogs to bark all night long KNOWING neighbors are trying to sleep have no respect for others and deserve multiple visits from Animal Control and a summons for small claims court. Oh yes, that can happen too!

Oh, so you think it's okay for dogs to bark all night while people are trying to sleep? Dogs get to decide when we have permission to sleep and when we're "ordered" to get up? No respect for others, eh ???

BOOM !! All we have to do is look up the town/city ordinance, print it out and call Animal Control. And keep calling them until they do their job. Take pen and paper and keep a log, (You're up anyway--right?) Keep calling until your disrespectful, reckless neighbor get multiple visits and a few tickets. Eventually they'll realize they're not the only ones who live on that street. If they retalliate---call the cops, because that's a whole other violation. I took on a whole street a few years ago, come what may---and I won! Again, most important is to find the ordinance, print it out and hold AC to it. Don't let up.

True. Most city/town Animal Control websites say to tell the neighbor first as they may not know there’s a problem. In this case, the key is to be super nice, apologetic and even grovel a little bit. But 99% of the time, the neighbor will argue and slam the door. That’s when you have to invoke “the ordinance.” You have no idea how ferociously self-centered, disrespectful barking dog owners will defend … “their right” ... to keep you up all night.

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