Historic Hyde Park Neighborhood Association

Welcome One and All

Posted in: E Lake Park
  • Stock
  • ccitrus
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Welcome to our new website! Isn't it great that we now have a place to share ideas, voice concerns, and discuss issues, without ever leaving the comfort of our homes? My hope is that this site will be a possitive experience for all of our residents and will assist in bringing our community closer together. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as site coordinator. Ellen Dooley

dear ellen, hi my name is debbie prevatt i live at 6816 spencer cir,about 3 weeks ago some body spilled paint on the road and did not clean it up and of chorse it got all over my truck thank God i work at a autopaint store and know what to use to get it off if any one else got it on the cars they can contact me and ill tell them what to use.thank you so much debbie

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