Your post is nasty.
1. It is very low and classless to post someone's physical address on a public internet board, complaining about their house paint colors. You could make a general post about paint colors you find offensive (whatever--I won't even go there), but to post someone's address? You are a low person to do that.
2. If you have a problem with it, call the city, why post it on a public forum?
3. Trash in their alley might have nothing to do with the people in the house you mention. I know on our block, I often have to call the city to come pick up furniture and other items and trash that people DUMP *next to* (as opposed to IN) the dumpster behind the house next to me. It isn't the people who live in that house, or even any of the people who live along on our alley, who are doing this. It is the people one alley over who consistently dump. So that might be the case in the house which you reference, too. Again, I think it is outrageous that you posted a physical address. You have a lynch mob mentality about any house which offends you with it's paint colors, which sadly, might fit right in with some folks that spring to my mind in Kenwood, but not the majority. In fact, I'm guessing you ARE one of those people that is springing to my mind right now. But, be that as it may, the house you reference is...
3. ...not even in Historic Kenwood. Why are you posting it here? Why are you posting it on the internet at all?
4. Finally, it figures you would post under ''anonymous''. You post someone's exact address, complaining about them, but then don't have the guts to put your own name--even FIRST name--in your post? Whatever. I rarely, RARELY ever think posts on internet bb's should be deleted. I believe in free speech and don't like censorship. However, in this case, I believe the webmaster should delete your post/this thread because you are criticizing someone and posting their physical address. I can't believe this has been sitting here since November, when other far less offensive posts which were substantive, respectful and actually about KENWOOD received a hue and cry over someone feeling that they were being attacked, even though their name was never mentioned AND I can tell you definitively that the poster never even had the person who flipped out and thought they were being attacked in mind when she posted--believe me, I know. Anyway, this post of yours, ''anonymous'' is not going to stay on here if I have anything to say about it. I'm calling the webmaster. Where are all the people who complained in the past about posts that didn't even have one offensive thing in them? Why aren't ya'll complaining about this post of ''anonymous'', containing someone's physical address? I wish I were surprised at the hypocrisy. If you live in Kenwood, then I am ashamed. I'm about to paint my house. Maybe I'll go with a flourescent plaid scheme just to irritate YOU and those like you.