There will be an anti-drug march taking place at 6:00 p.m. on Friday 5/17/2002, departing from the ''Dwight Jones Neighborhood Center'' (??) located at 1035 Burlington Avenue North (I think he said ''North'', but now I'm wondering if it was possibly ''South'', as I've never noticed this place he is talking about at 10th and Burlington, so if you have a question, call Andy Garr at 893-4110 and he will letcha know; his phone is defaulting to voicemail right now, so, as this is possibly my only chance to post this, I thought I'd go ahead. Moving on...) Anyone interested should show up and bring your voice and your walking shoes!
What do we want? Safe streets! When do we want 'em? Now!
What do we want? Safe streets! When do we want 'em? Now!