Homestead Farm II

City of Centennial Issue

Posted in: Cherry Creek Vista South
We will be having speakers from the proponents of creating City of Centennial as well as The Honorable Mayor David Phifer of Greenwood Village at our annual CVSHOA board meeting.

We are urging all homeowners from our Association, and any interested parties from the surrounding Home Owners Associations to attend.

Ample time will be given for questions and answers.

Please feel free to enter your thoughts in this discussion. Watch for further information on this website.

By Ed Cohen
Proposed City of Centennial

Dear Ed: I attended this evenings meeting when you addressed the group. I respect your viewpoint as in any democracy. However, it appeared as if Mr. Randy Pye was "setup". To read a letter to him in front of this group without his receiving the benefit of having this prior to the meeting was a tractical mis-reading of the residents. I know that there must be differences between you and Randy. I for one have signed a petition for Greenwood Village incorporation. The fact remains that the City Council, in whatever interests they have continue to rejext our bid. Whether we are a part of Greenwood's "Master Plan" - we need to know this first before any OfuS CaN Act intelligently. The "tractic" in attempting a "pull-out" is without a doubt not in anyone's best interests may in turn be a negative in any future consideration for representation. How can we "trust" the Village Council to act responsibily? Thank You.
Centennial City

While we were out of town and unable to attend the meetings, I have had much the same questions that were raised at the recent Oct 21 meeting. Most of us in my neighborhood have felt left out and have received nothing from the group for the new city proposal. Thanks to the CVSHOA my concerns are the same. To start a city much smaller, much less of this magnitude requires much more planning than I have seen. Even after the meeting, most of us still had little additional information. Greenwood Village seems to have much more planning in place for the direction they want to go. At this point in time, unless ACSD can present a more concrete direction and planning, I would be inclined to be part of Greenwood Village or stay within the county.

By John Burrell
In Answer to Anonymous

While I would prefer to answer to an identified citizen, I do appreciate your involvement in this critical issue.

To begin with, let me apologize for my tactic of blind-siding Randy Pye with the ACCORD resignation letter at the meeting. I'm sure it was obvious that I was uncomfortable with my delivery, and I truthfully was debating the tactic right up to the moment I delivered it. I take full responsibility for the tone of the letter, and the means of delivery. In fact, today Thursday October 22, at 12:50 PM, I delivered a public apology to Randy Pye via phone, on-air, as he and Brian Vogt were guests on 710AM KNUS Radio, with host Jim Bryan. In return, I told him that I felt our association was due a like apology for blind-siding us in his role as ACCORD President, and using that forum to launch his City of Centennial, using our money and support without any notice, consultation or warning--his response was NO response. So be it.

That being said, I have unanimous support from our board in the message of the letter. The Denver Post was not only kind enough to provide the first unbiased reporting to date, but actually came out editorially stating that while they had encouraged the backers of the City of Centennial initially, essentially the Post has not seen the kind of planning and commitment they feel is required to properly serve the proposed populace, and in fact said that the Centennial backers have so far only shown that they can "be a dog in the manger."

Between balanced coverage by The Denver Post (and now it looks like 710AM KNUS), perhaps there IS a chance for self determination.


Ed Cohen
Cherry Creek Vista South Home Owners Assoc.

By Ed Cohen; Co-President CCVSHOA
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