The Honey Beez

Target Sucks !

Posted in: Big Bear Farms
Ride the bus

What bus does your kid ride on to go to your Parochial School? What if Olentangy said ''Oh sorry no more rides''?

I went to a Parochial school for 12 years. It is your choice to send your child there. I have to believe that Olentangy has better teachers, better facilities, and you are gaining nothing by sending your child to a school where you have to pay big bucks. I had the choice to send my children to a Parochial School. I chose to let them get their religous education at the Church, and get a great education here. All of my children graduated with honors and now have their Masters degree. They are still involved in the Church, and in no way were effected by not going Parochial.

You have to consider how your property values are secured by having one of the BEST schools in Central Ohio.

Don't take away what our children have just because you want to pay more elsewhere.
Another Fact

Parochial schools have the liberty to maintain their enrollment based on the facilities they have. Olentangy does not. They have to build, hire and keep up. They also have to keep their Teachers Salaries in line with other districts to get the quality teachers needed to keep their standards the highest.

Bottom line is you can choose to send you child to a Private school and pay way more than what a tax increase would bring. At the same time you have to consider the value of having what a great school system does for your investment in your home.

Maybe you should tell the parochial school not to pay for busing and you will drive your children to school everyday. I have to believe that would not be an option.

What are you nuts ? I still pay taxes, why shouldn't my kids get to ride the bus. I choose to send my kids to Parochial, not only for the education ,but for the guidance and discipline they will get. Public schools have to except all kids, no matter their background. And if a kid is a screw up, they don't care. If a kid in public schools gets busted for drugs, guess what? they have to let them back. Not Parochial, you screw up bad, you're gone. My personal opinion is, we should get a tax break, because if all kids went to public schools, what do you think your taxes would be like then ? Hmmmm....
Build them and they will come

I hate to think what it would cost you to build enough Parochial schools to allow everyone to come??????

I personally know that the discipline and education is less. The qualified educators who are trained to manage drug and alcohol do not exist. The teachers,( and I plead with you to support your views ) are not as qualified as those who make better money working for a school system like Olentangy. My child taught for a parochial school and she did not even have her teaching certificate. So your kid gets thrown out of a Parochial school, what have they done to help your child. You have a very simplistic attitude, and are narrow minded when it comes to taking care of all the needs of you children.

Let me tell you a story. Years ago when my kids were little we belonged to a pool. There were teenagers from Dublin, Arlington, and Watterson. I can tell you that one of the reasons I decided not to send my kids, and pay the extra money to go Parochial, was because of the behaviour of the teens from Watterson. You can't tell me that the level of discipline is any better there. I also believe that if you can't stop that behaviour at home you are the problem.
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