Hudson Park Neighborhood Association

Free RV Storage

Posted in: Delman Heights
Free RV Storage
If you've a Mobile home or other RV, you may now store it in the city right of way (the public street!) for free!
The SBPD, Jim Sharer (Director of parking enforcement) and City Attorney James Penman have made it a legal alternative to expensive RV rental. The test case is a Mr. William ''Bill'' Dillon and his wife delores, who have freely stored their Mobile home in the city streets for over two years now. They even store it in the street blocking a fire hydrant and a driveway approach. The SBPD and etc. have made it a valid parking and storage location. This particular Mobile home storage area is at West 49th Street and North Crescent Street. (4904 North Crescent St). The Mobile home is Ca plate 2XVS934, a large ''SouthWind'' RV.
Anyone cited in the Area B vicinity for parking or storage of their RV in city streets should let the city know they too are exempt, and the citation is invalid. Mr. Dillon's son (David Dillon) is a city employee of the police department; and this is the reason William Dillon is allowed to break the law and city municipal codes at will. For information and documentation, please fax 909 886 6210; for free RV storage in the city streets.

By San Bdno City
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