In our official capacity as neighborhood reporters, we?’ve been busy eavesdropping on various local conversations, and have caught more than a few Hudson?’s Bay folks discussing a possible neighborhood flea market or yard sale to be held later this summer.
Two possibilities have occurred to the HBNA board. For a flea market, we would all bring our goods (and display tables) to a central location and sell from there. The pluses of doing it this way include: bargain-hunters can focus on one location, and also we neighbors have a chance to get to know each other a little bit better. The big minuses: we would need a central location?—anybody out there got any ideas about that? Also, it can be difficult to bring larger items to sell.
The 2nd possibility would be a neighborhood-wide yard sale. In this case, each household would sell things from their own garage, porch, apartment, and so on. Benefits: less packing and loading and re-packing and so on. However, some of us might not get as many buyers, especially for those who turn out to be the only participant on their blocks.
In either case, HBNA would ask a small donation per household, like $3 to $5, for advertising, signs, and in the case of a yard sale, for the printing and distribution of maps showing the address of each participant. If you want to weigh in and vote on a preference, have other ideas, or might want to help out with this fun neighborhood event, please call Kathy Nelson, HBNA Chair, 696-9413, or Jozie Rabyor, Communications Coordinator, 699-6311. You can also email Jozie: (Replace ?“_at_?” with @ when you email). We look forward to hearing from you!